Development and evaluation of direct paddy seeder in puddled field

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Present research was conducted to evaluate and develop a direct paddy seeder with use of pregerminated paddy seeds. For this three different metering mechanism were selected based on results of different studies performed on paddy sowing. An assembly of these three metering mechanism viz. fluted roller (containing 10 no of flutes on a 5 cm diameter shaft), cell type (10 cells grooved around a circular plate having 13 cm diameter), inclined plate (24 U shaped cells provided on an 18cm diameter plate) was developed and tested under laboratory condition. In the lab testing the metering mechanism assembly was tested for missing index (%), multiple index (%) and seed damage (%). The assembly was tested at three different forward speed viz; 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 kmh-1 and three pregermination level of seeds viz; 24 hour soaked, 24 hour pregerminated and 36 hour pregerminated paddy seeds. On the basis of data analysis from lab study best suitable set for direct seeding of pregerminated seed in puddled feed was found to be inclined plate metering mechanism operating at 2.5 kmh-1 for 24 hour pre-germinated seeds. Keeping in mind the above suitable set for direct seeding a self-propelled 8 row direct paddy seeding planter was developed and fabricated with recommended row to row and hill to hill spacing. For field evaluation of planter hill to hill spacing, no of plants per square meter and germination count were measured for two different soil (ST1 and ST2) and taking two different hopper fill level as ½ filled hopper(F1) and ¾ filled hopper(F2).