Studies on flowering, Fruiting behaviour and ripening management of sapota (Manilkara zapota (L.) P. Royen)

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The present investigations entitled Studies on flowering, fruiting behaviour and ripening management of sapota (Manilkara zapota (L.) P. Royen), was carried out in orchard and laboratory of Department of Horticulture, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during the year 2017-20. For field experiment to studies the flowering and fruiting behaviour of sapota, the tagging was done at 1st and 3rd week of every month on the three branches in different directions on sapota cultivar Kalipatti and Cricket Ball. The T1 is marked for the date 15/09, T2 for 01/10, T3 for 15/10 and up to T24 (01/09). The results revealed that the more number of flowers per shoot and flower intensity was observed in month of September, October and August during 2017-18 and 2018-19. During 2017-18, there was no flowering observed in three months December, January and February (T6 to T11). Whereas, no flowering observed after 15th December to April (T7 to T15) during 2018-19 in both cultivars. Fruit set per cent in both cultivars was showed increasing trends from July flowering to reaching maximum in September flowering and then followed declining trend to no fruit set in 15th November flowering. It was observed that sapota is a climate sensitive crop and climatic parameters viz., temperatures (maximum and minimum), relative humidity, sunshine hours and rainfall etc. had a profound influence on various flowering characters of sapota. The number of days taken for fruit set was showed increasing trends from June to November flowering. Whereas, the days required to attain the maturity was showed decreasing trends from June to November flowering in both cultivars. The fruits from winter season flowering (September, October and November) followed a characteristic double sigmoid pattern growth Whereas, fruits from rainy season flowering (June, July and August) followed somewhat linear pattern growth. The fruit weight was increased from September to November flowering and decreased in fruits from June to September flowering in both cultivars. All physico-chemical attributes were decreased in fruits from June to November flowering in both cultivars. Number of flowers per shoot, flower intensity, fruit set, TSS and total sugars were recorded higher in Kalipatti. Whereas, fruit drop, days taken for fruit setting, days taken for fruit maturity, firmness, ascorbic acid, acidity, pectin, tannin, Chlorophyll and carotenoid content were more in Cricket Ball as compared to Kalipatti. Cricket Ball has round shaped fruits in all flowering dates. Whereas, in Kalipatti shape was influenced by different flowering dates. Efficacy of ethephon was tested with different concentrations for ripening and physico-chemical quality of harvested sapota fruits. The fruits treated with ethephon were more uniform in ripening and had higher rate of ripening than the fruits under control. The effect increased with increasing concentrations of ethephon during ripening. Moreover, all quality parameters were retained in higher amount when the fruits were treated with ethephon. While, shelf life of fruits reduced with the increased concentrations of ethephon in both cultivars and seasons. Fruit treated with ethephon registered higher PME, PG and cellulase activity as compare to control in both cultivars. Kalipatti ripened earlier and registered higher TSS, total sugars, pH and enzymes activity as compared to Cricket Ball. Whereas, Cricket Ball registered longer shelf life and registered higher titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, firmness, pectin, tannin, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid content as compared to Kalipatti. During August, the retention of the firmness, ascorbic acid, pectin, tannin, chlorophyll a and b was more as compared to May. Whereas, TSS, total sugars, Titratable acidity, activity of PG and cellulase enzymes were observed higher during May as compared to August at every days of observation. Carotenoid content and PME activity were more during May at 4th day of observation as compared to August and after that carotenoid and activity of PME were decreased on 7th day and rate of decrease was more during May.