Spatial intelligence, one of the nine types of intelligence proposed by Howard Gardner (1983) has been highlighted in recent years and regarded as an integral component of human cognition. Research studies have provided evidences of relation of spatial intelligence to achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) streams. In the present study the investigator attempted to develop a learning tool for promotion of spatial intelligence in children during concrete operational period. An Embedded mixed method research design was adopted for the study. The sample of the study constituted of 120 children belonging to the age group of 8-11 years, who were selected randomly from three schools of Jorhat district, Assam. The young people‘s version of ‗Multiple intelligence test‘ developed by Chislett and Chapman (2005) was used as quantitative technique to assess the type of intelligence found among children under the study. In addition to it, observation and interview methods were also used. The data collected from both quantitative and qualitative methods were analysed and the results were obtained after triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data. Seven types of intelligences were identified and inter-correlations between the types of intelligences were analysed. Positive inter-correlations found among different types of intelligence indicated that, spatial intelligence of children can be developed by administering spatial tasks to children, irrespective of the type of dominant intelligence they possess. The topological framework of spatial skills proposed by Uttal et al. (2013) was followed for preparation of spatial tasks, which consists of four dimensions i.e. intrinsic-static, intrinsic-dynamic, extrinsic-static and extrinsic-dynamic. Spatial tasks in all the four dimensions were prepared and difficulty level of each task was assessed. It was found from the study that, the task difficulties of dynamic tasks were more than static tasks. Moreover it was found that, the tasks under the dimension of extrinsicdynamic were more difficult as compared to other three dimensions. A 2 way ANOVA was conducted to analyse the main effects and interactive effect of types of intelligence and dimensions of spatial tasks on performance of children in spatial tasks. The two way ANOVA test indicated that maximum differences in the performance of children in spatial tasks were accounted by different dimensions of spatial tasks (ηp 2= 0.516) than the types of intelligence (ηp 2= 0.219). Based on the analysis carried out, finally a learning tool, consisting of forty numbers of spatial tasks covering all four dimensions, was developed for promotion of spatial intelligence in children, during concrete operational period.