Assessment of knowledge and buying behaviour of consumers towards organic food products

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MPUAT, Udaipur
Organic food is defined as having been produced, cultivated, stored, or processed without the use of synthetically produced fertilizers, hormones, regulators, or other general changes. Organic farming practices are becoming popular among producers and are considered an alternative for small farms. Organic foods are becoming more important in today’s culture as individuals become more conscious of their health. Consumers are aware of the food they eat and more focused on quality than price. Organic food products are promoted differently by farmers and retailers than non-organic food products because they are healthier and better for the environment. Numerous scientific studies have shown the benefits of antioxidant content, particularly when it comes to organic foods, which are free of foreign chemicals that frequently interact with vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds and lessen the necessary significant impact of antioxidants in food. The present study was planned with the objectives to study the knowledge of the consumers towards organic food products, to find out buying behaviour of consumers towards organic food products, to analyse factors affecting the consumer buying behaviour of organic food products. Five organic food shops were selected purposively for the study from five zones of Udaipur city. A total of 150 respondents between 20 to 50 years of age were selected, from each zone, 30 respondents were chosen for the study. A self-structured questionnaire was developed and collect data from the respondents Interview technique was employed for gathering information from the subjects. The data were analyzed by using the statistical analysis frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square test. The result regarding personal information most of the respondents were age group of 35 to 45 years. 42.67 percent of respondents were female and 57.33 percent were men. 82.67 percent were married, had nuclear family (59.33 %) and 56.67 percent of respondents belong to small-sized family (2-4 members). Most of the participants 38.67 percent were in the category of 6-12 lakh. The majority of the respondents were vegetarian (82%). Results revealed that the majority of the consumers had good knowledge (64%) regarding organic food products. Whereas 23.33 percent of the consumers had average knowledge and Only 12.66 percent showed poor knowledge about organic foods. Most of the consumers had knowledge (100%) regarding the difference between organic and non-organic foods. Around 32 percent of respondents to get updated knowledge and information about organic foods are showing high interest in Internet sources. Using the chi-square test found that there was a significant association in consumers knowledge level between age groups, educational qualifications and annual income. Data regarding the reason for purchasing organic foods revealed that 99.33% of respondents recognize that organic food is produced without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and chemicals. The majority of respondents (74%) said they purchase their organic food from organic food stores. The majority (55.33%) stated that they seek the word “organic” on the cover before choosing an organic product. The majority of the respondents (42%) opined that they purchase organic food products on a monthly basis. 54.67 percent of respondents purchase organic goods over 3 years. According to data on the purchase of different types of organic foods, 92.67% of respondents always purchase cereals, 89.33% of respondents purchase pulses always and 86% of respondents always purchase Sugar/Jaggery. Opinions of price affordability revealed that 61.33% of respondents want to need modification. The findings revealed that the respondents buying behaviour towards organic food products is influenced by various factors, health consciousness (93.33%) and the quality and safety of organic food products (73.33%) were highly affecting factors. The satisfaction level towards organic food products factors is measured by respondents are highly satisfied with the factor of healthy life (90.67%), beneficial to the environment (88.67%) and safe (86%). Overall, among the problems faced by respondents in buying organic food products, the cost factor was a major issue for 61.33% of the respondents and limited availability (44.67%). Hence, the Price is likely to come down when the farmers completely change the conversion process from conventional to organic production process thus result output will increase. To be more effective in the marketing of organic food items, marketers should concentrate on growing the number of stores in the research region, developing promotional activities, and increasing availability in terms of amounts (volume) as well as a wider range of types
Khinchi S. and Lakhawat S.