Studies on pig management practices vis a vis production and reproductive efficiency in different zones of Punjab

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Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana
The study was undertaken to know the different pig production management practices, pig performance under different farm sizes and effect of management practices and their effect on production and reproductive efficiency in two agro climatic zones of Punjab. 50 piggery farms were selected from each agro climatic zone. Majority of the farmers (87%) in Punjab were rearing pigs in smaller groups (<15 pigs/pen) and they provided sufficient floor area to them. At 73% farms had provision of guard rails. At About 86 percent of farms deworming is performed. 63% farmers were rearing pigs on a combination of kitchen waste, concentrate ration and industrial by-products. 50 % of the farmers used to detect the heat by just observing heat signs. Majority of the farmers were rearing one boar for each 10 breedable sows. About 73% farmers isolated pregnant sows from rest of the herd more than a week from expected date of farrowing. 83% farmers in the present study provided water for the animals to reduce heat stress by making some open space of the pen lower than the plinth level. 85% farmers had combination of facilities like heaters and bulbs, while 36 per cent of the farmers used bulbs only as a source of heat to reduce winter stress.The smaller the herd size, the greater was the weaning age. The Pearson correlation coefficient between herd size and weaning age was -0.413 (P <0.01). The overall age at first mating was 7.94±0.98 months. The overall litter size recorded in the present study was 9.56±1.37. Age of the sow at first mating was significantly (P< 0.05) lower (7.59±0.90 months) than that of medium and small sized farms. The overall average number of days a sow required to come in heat after farrowing was14.22±9.12 days. The overall age and weight of pigs at sale were 10.27±1.39 months and 94.32±15.51 Kg, respectively. In this study higher the education level of the farmer better were the management practices and higher was production as well as reproductive performance of the animals