Adoption Behavior of Coriander (Corianderum sativum L.) Cultivators in Jhalawar District of Rajasthan

dc.contributor.advisorPunjabi, N. K.
dc.contributor.authorChoudhary, Rohit
dc.descriptionAdoption Behavior of Coriander (Corianderum sativum L.) Cultivators in Jhalawar District of Rajasthanen_US
dc.description.abstractIndia is a land of spices. It has a unique position in the global spice scenario as the largest producer, consumer and exporter of seed spices. Coriander is an important condiment and highly valued spice grown in India. Rajasthan state alone contributes around 44 per cent of the production of the country. Coriander crop in Rajasthan is grown mainly in the Kota region. There is a wide scope to improve and increase the coriander production and productivity by enhancing the knowledge and adoption of coriander production technology. Keeping the above facts in view the present study entitled “Adoption Behavior of Coriander (Corianderum sativum L.) Cultivators in Jhalawar District of Rajasthan” was undertaken with the following specific objectives: (i) To find out the level of knowledge of farmers about coriander production technology. (ii) To assess the adoption of recommended coriander practices by the farmers in the study area. (iii) To study the information processing behavior of coriander producers in the study area. (iv) To find out the association between selected personal attributes viz., age, education, family size, size of land holding, mass media exposure and innovation proneness with that of adoption level of farmers regarding coriander production technology. (v) To determine the constraints being perceived by the farmers in the adoption of coriander production technology. The present study was conducted in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan. There are total six panchayat samities in Jhalawar district, out of which two panchayat samities namely, Khanpur and Jhalrapatan were selected on the basis of maximum area under coriander cultivation. Four villages from each identified panchayat samiti were selected on the basis of maximum area under coriander cultivation. For selection of respondents, 120 coriander growers (40 marginal, 40 small, and 40 large farmers) were randomly selected from identified villages for data collection. The data were collected with the help of interview schedule developed for the study purpose through face to face contact method. Appropriate statistical tests like mean, mean per cent score, rank and standard deviation, X2 – test and ‘F’ test were applied in the analysis of data. The overall study reports the following main findings: The study revealed that one-fourth of the total respondents possessed medium level of knowledge while, 7.50 and 67.50 per cent coriander growers had low and high level of knowledge about coriander production technology. It was further observed that the extent of knowledge in marginal farmers was ranged 60.00 to 88.89 per cent, whereas in case of small farmers and large farmers, it was 62.50 to 93.06 and 70.00 to 97.50 per cent in all the practices of coriander production respectively. There existed a difference among marginal, small and large farmers with respect to knowledge about coriander production technology. The findings indicated that 26.67 per cent of the total respondents possessed medium level of adoption while, 21.94 and 51.39 per cent coriander growers had low and high level of adoption of coriander production technology. It was also observed that the extent of adoption in marginal farmers ranged from 31.67 to 88.33 per cent, whereas in case of small farmers and large farmers it was 34.17 to 91.67 and 36.67 to 95.00 per cent in all the practices of coriander production respectively. There was difference among marginal, small and large farmers with regard to adoption of coriander production technology. It was observed that 30.00 per cent of the total respondents possessed medium level of information processing behavior while, 23.33 and 46.67 per cent coriander growers had low and high level of information processing behavior. It was further observed that from among selected information processing methods, information evaluation methods were used to more extent by the coriander growers with MPS 82.78. There existed no difference among marginal, small and large farmers with respect to information processing behavior in the study area. It was observed that personal characteristics of the coriander growers viz., age, education, family size, mass media exposure and innovation proneness were not associated with the adoption level of the respondents about coriander production technology. These attributes and adoption of coriander production technology were reported to be independent. The findings indicated that lack of e-mail and internet facilities, (technical constraints), high cost of diesel, (economical constraints), absence of minimum support prices, (marketing constraints), adverse climatic conditions, (miscellaneous constraints), were perceived as most important constraints by the coriander growers. It was also found that there existed difference in intensity of constraints perceived by the marginal, small and large farmers in adoption of coriander production technology. Keeping in view the overall findings of the study it is recommended that the government should timely declare the support price of coriander, which will help the cultivators for getting reasonable price of their produce. It is also recommended that government and semi-government agencies should purchase the produce at reasonable rate directly from the cultivators so that farmers could fetch the remunerated prices of their produce.en_US
dc.identifier.citationChoudhary and Punjabi, 2012en_US
dc.keywordsAdoption, Behavior, Corianderum sativum, Cultivatorsen_US
dc.publisherMPUAT, Udaipuren_US
dc.research.problemAdoption Behavior of Coriander (Corianderum sativum L.) Cultivators in Jhalawar District of Rajasthanen_US
dc.subExtension Educationen_US
dc.themeAdoption Behavior of Coriander (Corianderum sativum L.) Cultivators in Jhalawar District of Rajasthanen_US
dc.titleAdoption Behavior of Coriander (Corianderum sativum L.) Cultivators in Jhalawar District of Rajasthanen_US
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