A Study On Economics Of Sugarcane Cultivation (Malkauli Pathakauli , Champaran)

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
The Present study envisaged primarily to asses on the basis of imprical data, the economy of sugarcane production in village Malkauli- pathakauli of west Champaran district . The two decision facets of crop economy , viz., economics of production and production efficiency for both main as well as ratoon crop were studied. The Study revealed that for the main (planted ) crop cost of cultivation per hectare, on an average amount to Rs. 2547.65 which no doubt varied from Rs.2284.37 to Rs. 2678.78 and Rs.2567.85 on the first (0.1-4.0ha), second (4.1-8.0 ha ) and third size groups of farm respectively. As compared to this for the Mill- farm the cost of cultivation per hectare was observed to be Rs.2757.00 which was comparatively higher than on any size group as well as average cost of cultivation per hectare on farmer’s fields. Of the various items under cost structure, material input contributed the highest share being Rs.894.70 folled by miscellaneous input (Rs.689.32) human labour (Rs 552.96), bullock labour (Rs 316.48) and irrigation cost( Rs.75.18 ) which worked out to be 35.12,27.06,21.71, 12.42 and 2.95 percent of tatal per hectare cost respectively. Per hectare expenditure on seed and manures and fertilizers under material input amounted to Rs. 565.55 and R.322.14 nearly 22.19 percent and 12.25 percent of the total per hectare cost respectively. In between different size groups, per hectare expenditure on manures and fertilizers progressively increased from Rs.283.71 to Rs.312.92 and Rs.369.62 on the first, second and third size group of farms. Of the total expenditure was contributed on manures and fertilizers, nearly 61 percent was contributed by farm yard manures and the remaining 39 percent by inorganic fertilizers. Among the chemical fertilizers, ammonium sulphate accounted for major share of expenditure on manures and fertilizers and was most popular among the selected farms. Expenditure on pesticides was almost negligible accounting for, on an average only 0.27 per cent totals average per hectare cost .In case of Mill- farm , per hectare cost of cultivation being Rs. 2757.00 was madeup of comparatively higher per hectare expenditure on almost all the cost items than the average figure under farmers situations except that incurred on bullock labour mainly because of tractor use. For the ratoon crop average cost of cultivation per hectare was observed to be Rs. 588.52 which was roughly 23 per cent of the average cost of cultivation of the main crop. In different size groups it varied from Rs. 440.88 to 694.33 and Rs. 558.96 on first, second and third size groups respectively. In case of mill farm, just like main crop, cost of cultivation per hectare of this crop (being Rs. 638.00) was comparatively higher than the average per hectare cost of cultivation under individual farmer’ holdings. For this crop miscellaneous cost inputs, human labour and material inputs played almost identical role in a sense that these inputs as a whole, on an average accounted for 27.67 and 25.42 per cent of total average per hectare cost of cultivation. In absolute terms per hectare expenditure, on an average, on these items amounted to Rs. 162.48, Rs. 156.85 and Rs.149.41 which were much leaser as compared to the main crop. On proportionate basis per hectare expenditure on bullock labour (11.06 per cent) though was more or less same as on the main crop, however, in absolute terms per hectare expenditure on this item (Rs. 66.41) too was much lesser as compared to main crop (316.48). Comparatively lower per hectare cost of cultivation in the ratoon crop as compared to main crop was mainly because of fewer operations as well as lower material input cost. On an average treating main and ratoon crop as a single crop cost of production per quintal of sugarcane amounted to Rs. 6.39. However, cost of production per quintal of the main crop (Rs. 6.78) was comparatively higher than the cost of production of ratoon crop (Rs. 5.99). In between different size groups, cost of production per quintal was the highest on the smallest size group for both the crop being Rs. 6.98 and 6.40 for the main and ratoon crop respectively which progressively declined in second and third size groups being Rs. 6.67 and 6.06 and Rs. 6.52 and 5.57 for the main and ratoon crop respectively. In case of mill-farm the cost of production per quintal of cane being Rs. 5.33 was lowest (Rs. 6.34 and 4.72 for main and ratoon respectively).