Learning competency and home environment of preschool girls

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The present investigatio n was carr ied out in rural and urban areas of district Hisar to assess the learning competency and home environme nt of preschool girls. A total number of 240 preschoolers of age group of 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 y ears were take n. Two villages namely Kamar i and Mangali were take n as rural location and for urban the Hisar city was selected for collection of data, out of whic h 120 c hildre n were f rom urban and 120 form rural areas . McCar thy scale of cognitive ability by McCarthy (1970) was used to test the cognitive abilities of childre n. Socioeconomic status was assessed with self structured interview schedule. Home inventory by Bradley and Caldwell (1984) was used to examine the environmental conditions of children in their home. Results revealed that compar ison over location shown that urban c hildre n surpassed their counte rpart in all aspects of learning competency . Association of learning competency with socioeconomic factors depicted the inf luence on verbal ability , perceptual-per formance, gene ral cognition and memory in both locations . The study fur ther revealed that aspects of home enviro nme nt suc h as learning stimulatio n, language stimulatio n, phy sical stimulatio n, academic stimulation, modeling, variety in exper ie nce and acceptance were signif icantly associated with some aspect of learning competency .
Fruits, Planting, Biological phenomena, Developmental stages, Ecosystems, Yields, Area, Markets, Land resources, Productivity