Genetic diversity, combining ability analysis and standard heterosis for yield and quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

dc.contributor.advisorSiwach, S.S.
dc.contributor.authorSukhdeep Singh
dc.description.abstractThe present study comprised eighty Gossypium hirsutum L. genotypes viz., sixty hybrids, their parents (i.e. four males and fifteen females) and one check hybrid HHH 223. The crosses were attempted in Line x Tester mating design during kharif 2014. All the hybrids along with parents and check were grown in a randomized block design with three replications during kharif 2015 at cotton research area, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Observations were recorded for sixteen characters namely, days to first flower, plant height (cm), number of monopods per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight (g), number of seeds per boll, seed cotton yield per plant (g), lint yield per plant (g), ginning out turn (%), seed index (g), lint index (g), 2.5% span length (mm), fibre uniformity (%), fibre strength (g/tex) and micronaire value (g/inch). Among parents, H1470 and H1464 were the best general combiners for seed cotton yield and its components traits; H1098-i for fibre quality traits. The best specific combinations were AC726 x H1236 and H1476 x H1226 for seed cotton yield. These crosses were combination of both good combining parent, indicating that additive variance were important for this character. For the fibre quality parameters, the hybrid HR1 x H1117 (poor x good GCA) found highest specific combining ability effect and indicated the presence of both additive and non-additive gene action. In hybrids, the highest heterosis was observed for number of monopods, seed cotton yield, boll number per plant and boll weight with values of 56.66%, 45.03%, 31.55% and 15.11%, respectively. The F1 hybrids viz; H1470 x H1236, H1470 x H1098-i and H1476 x H1226 were noticed as highest seed cotton yield, boll number per plant and boll weight. Cross combination H1464 x H1098-i was found heterotic for 2.5 % fibre length, fibre uniformity and fibre strength. The crosses H1470 x H1236, H1470 x H1098-i, H1476 x H1226 and AC726 x H1236 were recorded good heterosis for seed cotton yield i.e. high per se performance along with good SCA effects. Hence, these crosses demand their further testing in varying environments. The result has been discussed in the light of their usefulness in future breeding programs. One hundred and seventy three alleles were amplified by using 49 SSR primers. Primer BNL1721 have maximum PIC value (0.948) and indicating that this primer show maximum contribution for diversity analysis. Production of more than two SSR bands was a quite common phenomenon in the present study. The reason for usual production of multiple bands was assigning as either presence of SSR alleles with different molecular weight on A &D genome or on more than one linkage group. The NTSYS-pc UPGMA tree cluster analysis exhibited that nineteen parental genotypes were quit distinct. At 69 % similarity index, nineteen genotypes formed seven groups where four groups had single genotype each. The use of genotypes in hybridization from these different groups is likely to produce heterotic combination in future breeding program.en_US
dc.keywordsGCA, SCA, Heterosis, Genetic diversity, SSR markers, Gossypium hirsutumen_US
dc.subGenetics and Plant Breedingen_US
dc.themeGenetic diversity, combining ability analysis and standard heterosis for yield and quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)en_US
dc.titleGenetic diversity, combining ability analysis and standard heterosis for yield and quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)en_US
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