Innovations in e-agricultural extension technology (e-AET): diffusion and adoption of information kiosks and mobile initiatives among the farmers of Thiruvanathapuram district, Kerala

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Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
The present study entitled, 'Innovations in e-Agricultural Extension Technology (e-AET): Diffusion and adoption of information kiosks and mobile SMS among farmers of Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala' was carried out to analyse the utility of the information support provided to ~arrners through the Information Kiosks and Mobile initiatives in Kerala with forty user farmers for Information Kiosk and sixty user farmers for Mobile SMS from Thiruvananthapuram district. The findings demonstrate that majority of the farmers in both the categories fell under middle age group and had favourable attitude towards these initiatives. Farmers utilizing Information Kiosk became aware through contact of Information Kiosk installed at Krishi Bhavan, markets, had more high school education and disseminated information through communication with fellow farmers. Farmers utilizing Mobile SMS became aware through extension personnel, had more collegiate education and disseminated information through Mobile/Telephone. Medium level of exposure to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), effectiveness, information needs, perception and utility of messages was observed for the information support given through both Information Kiosk and Mobile SMS. Most of the fanners utilized the Information Kiosk messages for 4-5 times and Mobile SMS only once. The major constraint in accessing Information Kiosk is lack of awareness and contents related problems is a major constraint for accessing Mobile SMS. Utility of the messages of Information Kiosk is significantly positively con-elated with education, frequency of use of messages, awareness source, information needs, attitude of the farmers, effectiveness. Perception towards Information Kiosk is positively con-elated significantly with information dissemination ways, awareness source and effectiveness. Utility of messages mobile is significantly positively con-elated with exposure to ICT, information dissemination ways, frequency of use of messages, information needs, advantages and effectiveness. Perception towards mobile SMS is significantly positively correlated with exposure to ICT, awareness source, information dissemination ways, effectiveness and negatively correlated with constraints. Providing adequate infrastructure, content improvement promotion of public private partnership, network development among agricultural institutions periodical monitoring and evaluation, conducting training programmes, developing favourable attitude and orientation of human resources towards ICT extension is the strategy to be followed to scale up the uses ofthese initiatives. Hence the study undoubtedly exhibited that quick dissemination of information from agricultural research system through lnfonnation Kiosks and Mobile SMS can be done and they constitute one of the critical inputs in technology transfer in present agricultural scenano.