Influence of sales promotion activities on consumer buying behaviour: A study of apparel retail outlets of Ludhiana city

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Sales promotion can affect consumer’s buying perception and thus there is a likelihood of approaching or avoiding the product or store. Creating superior customer experience seems to be one of the central objectives in today’s retail environments. Customer experience encompasses the total experience including the search, purchase, consumption and after-sales phases of the experiences. All these are closely related to sales promotion planning and have significant impact on the customer experience of a retail firm. Sales promotion could affect shoppers’ behaviors in several ways. The present study was conducted to study was restricted to Ludhiana city. Ten stores from Ludhiana city which qualify the definition of Retail outlet were selected for the study on convenience basis. Further, 10 customers were selected from each store on basis of simple random sampling. Thus, a total sample size of 100 customers was surveyed. Primary data was collected with the help of structured and non-disguised questionnaires and observation chart. To satisfy the first objective data was collected from the store managers with the help of questionnaire and observation chart. Another questionnaire was prepared to satisfy the second objective and data was collected from customers. Data was collected related to sales promotion i.e. displays, discounts, gift vouchers, samples, etc from store managers and customer buying preferences and behavior from customers.