Evaluation of poplar clones for growth, biomass partitioning and nutrient uptake under Punjab conditions

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Punjab Agricultural University
The present study was conducted 7-years-old clones of Populus deltoides established under randomized block design with three replications to evaluate the clones for growth and genetic parameters and to find out superior clones under Punjab conditions. The number of clones were 12 and these were planted at 5 × 4 m with plot size of five trees. The study was carried out during 2022 at experimental area of Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana which falls under the Central Plain Zone. In the present investigation the following parameter viz. volume, biomass, total height, DBH, straightness, CBH, number of branches per meter crown length, crown length and nutrient uptake had been recorded. The maximum DBH was attained by clone FNR-558, whereas maximum tree height was attained by clone L-170/88 and maximum clear bole height was attained by clone FNR-558. The maximum crown length was attained by clone FNR-544, while maximum number of branches per meter crown length was attained by clone L-48/89 and highest mean value for straightness was recorded in L-247/84. The highest mean value for volume was observed in FNR-558 and highest mean value for biomass was observed in FNR-558. Significant difference among all clones was found for all the morphological characters except straightness. In nutrient uptake the highest value for nitrogen uptake was observed in L-47/88 and following was Ranikhet while highest value for phosphorous uptake was recorded in FNR-558 followed by WSL-29 and highest value for potassium uptake was recorded in FNR-558 followed by Ranikhet. High heritability was observed for all the characters except number of branches per meter crown length and straightness. Moderate value of genetic advance as percent of mean was observed for volume, crown length, and number of branches per meter crown length. Volume showed positive and very strong genotypic correlation with the diameter at breast height and tree height. Volume also showed positive and very strong phenotypic correlation with the diameter at breast height and a moderate positive phenotypic correlation with tree height. The diameter at breast height had the most direct and positive effect on volume both genotypically and phenotypically. Index score analysis was used to evaluate the overall performance of 12 Populus deltoides clones. Among these clones FNR-558 recorded highest index score followed by Ranikhet, FNR-544, L-170/88 and L-247/84, therefore showing promising results.
Sharma, Divyanshu (2023). Evaluation of poplar clones for growth, biomass partitioning and nutrient uptake under Punjab conditions (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.