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ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled, ‘Genetic evaluation of Alstroemeria germplasm’ was carried out at the experimental farm of Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr. YSP University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, (H.P.) during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. The experiment was laid out under naturally ventilated polyhouse conditions in a randomized block design with three replications. 16 diverse genotypes (in which 14 are open pollinated seedling selections of parent cv. ‘Riana’ and ‘Serena’) were evaluated for various growth and flowering parameters to assess extent of variability, heritability and genetic divergence for various traits and morphological characterization of these genotypes. Wide and significant variations were present for all the parameters were observed among different genotypes. It was also observed that genotypes performed better during the year 2020-2021 rather than during 2019-2020 for almost all the parameters. With regards to performance of genotypes ‘UHFSAlst 1’, ‘UHFSAlst 4’, ‘UHFSAlst 5’, ‘UHFSAlst 11’, ‘UHFSAlst 29’, ‘UHFSAlst 33’, ‘UHFSAlst 41’performed better in terms of economical parameters. From 16 genotypes novel colour was observed in ‘UHFSAlst 1’, ‘UHFSAlst 11’, ‘UHFSAlst 40’ (magenta pink), UHFSAlst 3’, ‘UHFSAlst 5’, ‘UHFSAlst 29’ (dark purple), ‘UHFSAlst 33’, ‘UHFSAlst 41’ (variegated). On the basis of performance of genotypes ‘UHFSAlst 1’ and ‘UHFSAlst 5’ performed well w.r.t to earliness of flowering, ‘UHFSAlst 29’ and ‘Serena’ w.r.t plant height and length of cut stems. Genotypes ‘UHFSAlst 1’ followed by ‘UHFSAlst 29’, ‘UHFSAlst 33’ produced more number of flowering shoots per plant as compared to the parents ‘Riana’ and ‘Serena’. Characters such as umbel: length of branches, flower: length of pedicel and weight of cut stem recorded high values for genotypic coefficient of variability (GCV). High heritability estimates were recorded for all the sixteen characters under study. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for characters such as plant height, length of cut stem, number of days taken to bud formation, number of days taken to flowering and weight of cut stem. Significant positive phenotypic correlation of yield parameter recorded with number of flowering shoots per plant was observed with length of cut stem, leaf length, umbel: number of branches, flower size, stem thickness. Characters such as weight of cut stem, leaf length, flower: length of pedicel, vase life, leaf width, number of days taken to bud formation, flower size, stem thickness, length of cut stem, number of days taken to flowering umbel: length of branches showed positive direct effect towards number of flowering shoots per plant. Morphological characterization of these genotypes was done for 35 characters and the genotypes were categorized accordingly and the results were summarized in the form of draft guidelines