Dyeing mesta (Hibiscus sabdariffa) fibre with natural colourant

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UAS, Dharwad
The present study was carried out during the period 2008-09. The main objectives of the study were to study the morphology of Mesta fibre, to optimize the dyeing conditions using natural colourant and to assess the colourstrength and colourfastness properties of dyed samples for washing, crocking and sunlight. Mesta fibres were procured from Institute of Organic Farming Unit, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. Fully ripened fresh Mesta calyces were collected from Organic Farming Field, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and shade dried. Mesta fibres were observed for longitudinal view visually under microscope. The dyeing conditions like dye extraction media, dye extraction time, wavelength, dye concentration, dyeing time, dyeing temperature, mordanting time were optimized. Colourstrength values of dyed samples were obtained. Colourfastness tests to washing, crocking, and sunlight were carried out and assessed using grey scale and standard wool pattern. Results revealed that fine longitudinal striations were observed throughout the fibre width under the projection microscope. Acidic media (pH – 4), 45 minutes dye extraction time, 6 per cent dye concentration, 30 minutes of dyeing time, 80° c dyeing temperature, pre mordanting time for Potash alum, Copper sulphate, Ferrous sulphate was 45 minutes and 15 minutes for Stannous chloride, 45 minutes simultaneous mordanting time for all the mordants and post mordanting time for Stannous chloride was 45 minutes and 30 minutes for Potash alum, Ferrous sulphate and 15 minutes for Copper sulphate were optimized at 400 wavelength( ) for dyeing Mesta fibre with Mesta calyces extract. The colourstrength values of pre, simultaneous and post mordanted samples were found to be increased compared to control sample. Colourfastness of all the dyed samples were ranged between good to excellent. Mesta fibre pre mordanted with 3 per cent Ferrous sulphate sample exhibited excellent fastness properties to washing, crocking and sunlight.