Economics of Elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) under natural and conventional cultivation in District Bilaspur (H.P.)

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The study is based on primary data obtained using a two-stage random sampling technique from 61farmers, practicing Conventional Farming (CF) and Subhash Palekar Natural Farming (SPNF), in 8 villages of Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh. About one tenth of the total cropped area was under elephant foot yam crop in conventional and SPNF farms. The productivity of elephant foot yam was 307.73 q/ha and 305.28 q/ha in CF and SPNF, respectively. The total cost of cultivation of elephant foot yam was ₹ 3, 11,585 per ha in CF against ₹ 3, 17,384 in SPNF. In elephant foot yam cultivation, weeding was the major labour intensive operation accounting for 61.68 per cent in CF and 49.76 per cent in SPNF of total labour. In CF, The gross return of ₹ 9, 23,177 per ha and ₹ 9, 15,853 per ha were realized from CF and SPNF, respectively. Output input ratio was worked out to be 2.96 and 2.89 in CF and SPNF, respectively. In CF, the marketed surplus was found to be 54.05 quintals, whereas in SPNF, it was 45.16 quintals. In elephant foot yam marketing, the Producer-Wholesaler-Retailer-Consumer channel (Channel-IV) emerged as the most crucial channel, followed by the Producer-TraderConsumer channel (Channel-III) for disposal of both CF and SPNF produce in the study area. It was found that producer share in the channel-IV and channel-III was 74.32 per 87.13 per cent, respectively. The problem regarding absence of the package of practices of elephant foot yam crop, attack by animals, no premium rate for SPNF produce and distantly located markets were found to be major production and marketing constraints confronted by farmers in the study area. Introduction of improved varieties, certification and processing of SPNF produce can lead to popularization of natural farming of elephant foot yam cultivation in the state.