A Preliminary Study to Evaluate S. warneri MF612183 Isolated from Tannery Effluent for Bioremediation of Heavy Metals

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Tannery effluent, a major source of water pollution, contains solids, nitrogen, sulphides, neutral salts and heavy metals as major components of pollutant. In the present study Staphylococcus warneri isolated from tannery effluent was evaluated for its ability to reduce the levels of four selected heavy metals; Zinc, Copper, Chromium and Lead. The DNA was isolated from the strain and its 16srRNA have been amplified. The PCR product was sequenced and the amplified product was found to be 1002bp. The isolate was found to be Staphylococcus warneri and the sequence was submitted to genbank and accession number obtained is MF612183. The isolate was grown in nutrient broth along with added heavy metals for about 4 days. The culture was centrifuged and its supernatant was analyzed for heavy metal reduction for every 24hrs. The isolate was found to reduce Zinc, Copper, Chromium and Lead at the end of fourth day by 95%, 86%, 74.6% and 70% respectively at 96 hours.
Veterinary Science