Statistical study on status of migration and its relationship with agricultural productivity in India

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Migration is defined as the movement of people from one place to another with the intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily in a new location. The study of migration among population helps to understand the dynamics of the society which arises out of various social, cultural, economic, spatial and demographic reasons summarized as push and pull factors. India constitutes 11.4 million emigrants and 309 million internal migrants. Migration is a burning socio-economic issue especially in agriculture sector and cause contraction in agricultural production. More than 30 million people in India are seasonal migrant laborers. Rural-urban migration cause both beneficial and negative effects on agricultural development. This thesis attempted to describe the status of migration in different states in India and its relation with agriculture productivity using secondary data collected from census of India 1991, 2001 and 2011 and Handbook of Statistics on Indian states, Reserve Bank of India 2015-16. Various statistical tools viz., graphical, descriptive statistics and linear regression model were used. More number of migrants were observed in Uttar Pradesh in 1991 and 2011 and in Maharashtra in 2001. Work is considered as main reason for male migrants. Maharashtra have more number of migrants under agriculture and allied sector. The findings concluded that for most of the crops, migration significantly depends on area and production of different crops. For all important crops and crop groups (rice, wheat, pulses, food grain, oilseed and sugarcane), states with more area or production attracted more migrants during 1991 and 2001. Contrarily attempt was made to study the effect of migration on productivity and it was found that crop productivity does not significantly depend on number of migrants in any state. This may be because productivity might depends on various other factors and migration mostly contributes as agricultural labour in the new state.