Biochemical studies during organogenesis in callus culture of ballon vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum L.)

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Present investigation was conducted on Cardiospermum halicacabum L. (Family Sapindanceae) and attempts have been made for direct and indirect regeneration of plantlets from various explants viz., leaf, node and internode from in vivo grown plants. Metabolites, enzymes and protein profiles studies were also made during root and shoot differentiation from callus. All the three explants were cultured on MS medium with and without growth regulators like cytokinins and auxins at different concentrations alone or in combination with each other. All the three explants gave good parcentage of callus induction but the growth of callus was best from leaf explant on MS medium supplemented with 2, 4-D (1.0 mg/l) + Kn (1.0 mg/l). The calli showed differentiation of root on MS + BAP (0.5 mg/l) + NAA (0.3 mg/l) and shoot on MS + BAP (0.5 mg/l) + NAA (0.1 mg/l). Decrease in metabolities like starch, reducing sugars, totals soluble sugar and total phenols while increase in total soluble proteins was found during root and shoot differentiation. Activities of enzymes viz. -amylase acid invertase and peroxidase decreased while acid protease activity increased during root and shoot differentiation. SDS-PAGE studies revealed the synthesis of four common protein ands (51.29, 46.77, 33.8 and 30.2 KDa) during differentiation of root and shoot. It was interesting to note the synthesis of one root specific protein band (85.1 KDa) and two shoot specific proteins bands (102.3 and 36.31 KDa) during differentiation.