Modeling of dehydration kinetics of tofu
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An experiment was conducted to some studies on the Modeling of dehydration kinetics of tofu in Post Harvest Processing Plant, C.A.E., J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur, (M.P). In present study, dehydration kinetics of tofu to find the effect of surface area on desorption characteristics, shrinkage behavior of tofu and modeling of tofu. In this study, for Modeling of dehydration kinetics of tofu, five sizes of tofu cuboids were taken at three different hot air temperatures and drying parameters were determined. Moisture content, drying rate, moisture ratio were computed to study the dehydration characteristics of tofu. The dimensions of tofu cuboids were measured during drying and shrinkage ratio was determined. Exponential and Page model were tested for their goodness of fit through regression analysis.
Tofu was prepared by SC-20 Soy cow machine. Dehydration characterstics of five sizes of tofu cuboids i.e. 1x1x1 cm, 1x1.5x1 cm, 1x2x1 cm, 1x3x1 cm, and 1x4x1 cm respectively were studied at three different hot air temperatures i.e. 40, 50, and 60°C. After each 1 hour interval, measured the loss of mass of tofu in the form of moisture till the bone dried. Moisture content, drying rate, moisture ratio were computed to study the dehydration characteristics of tofu. The dimensions of tofu cuboids were measured during drying and shrinkage ratio was determined. Exponential and Page model were tested for their goodness of fit through regression analysis. From the results obtained following major conclusions may be drawn:
The relationship between surface area and moisture content is a second order relationship with positive correlation i.e. the surface area of tofu during dehydration decreases with decreasing moisture content from 1034.86 mm2 at 130.63 mc % db for 40°C temperature to 289.07 mm2 at 1.12 mc % db for 50°C.And the relationship between drying time and shrinkage is a straight line relationship with negative correlation i.e. Increase in time of drying shrinkage ratio reduces from 1hour at 2.40 for 2403.86 mm3 to 8 hour at 0.291 for 291.7 mm3. Exponential and page model used to describe the dehydration kinetics of tofu. Page model gave an excellent fit for all the data points with higher coefficient of determination.