Adoption of Wheat Varieties Recommended By Mpuat, Udaipur among Farm Women of Agro Climate Zone IV A of Rajasthan

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MPUAT, Udaipur
The present study was undertaken with the objectives to explore the adoption of wheat varieties recommended by MPUAT, Udaipur for agro climatic zone IV a among farm women, to study the knowledge and adoption of package of practices of recommended wheat varieties among farm women and to identify the constraints faced by them in adoption of package of practices of recommended wheat varieties. The present study was conducted in the Agro-climatic zone IV a i.e. Sub-humid southern plain and Aravalli Hills of Rajasthan. Out of twenty panchayat samities, two panchayat samities were selected purposively and four villages from each panchyat samiti were selected randomly. Thus, there were total eight villages. A sample of 25 farm women was selected randomly from each village. Thus, the total sample comprised of 200 farm women for exploring the adoption of recommended wheat varieties. For in depth study of knowledge, adoption and constraints, all the farm women who have adopted recommended wheat varieties of MPUAT (113 farm women) were considered. Interview schedule was developed by the investigator and data were collected by using interview technique. Frequency, percentage, mean percent score, paired T test were used to analyze data statistically. The findings of the study pointed out that 36.00 per cent respondents were from low socio-economic status, 55.00 per cent were from medium socio- economic status whereas, only 8 per cent had high socio-economic status. Total 56.50 per cent respondents adopted the wheat varieties recommended by MPUAT, Udaipur. Majority of the respondents (57 %) were found in average knowledge category and only 14 per cent respondents belonged to the category of good knowledge. With regard to adoption, majority of the respondents (82.3%) belonged to medium adoption category. There was significance difference between overall knowledge and adoption of package of practices of recommended wheat varieties among the respondents. Economic constraints were the most severe with MPS 62.53 and ranked I. The other constraints faced by the respondents were operational constraints with MPS 61.0 (rank II), technical constraints with MPS 56.83 (rank III), personal constraints with MPS 54.81(rank IV).
Sushila and D.Solanki