Studies on feeding of different concentrate mixture on growth performance of holdeo (HFXD) heifer

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The present investigation was carried out to study the “Studies on Feeding of Different Concentrate Mixture on Growth Performance of Holdeo (HDXD) Heifer” was conducted for period of 90 day. Twenty four Holdeo (HFXD) heifers were divided into four groups on the nearness of the age and body weight. A Randomized Block Design was used for this experiment. Four feeding treatments were studies namely T1 (Jowar kadbi + Jowar multicut + Readymade concentrate (sugras)), T2 (Jowar kadbi + Jowar multicut + Homemade concentrate mix-I), T3 (Jowar kadbi + Jowar multicut + Homemade concentrate mix-II) and T4 (Jowar kadbi + Jowar multicut + Homemade concentrate mix-III) was fulfill requirement of Holdeo (HFXD) heifer. It was observed that jowar kadbi containing 89.30, 3.45, 35.01, 2.89, 50.25 and 8.40 percent of DM, CP, CF, EE, NFE and Total ash, while jowar multicut, contained 24.70, 8.12, 35.48, 2.37, 43.28 and 10.75 percent of DM, CP, CF, EE, NFE and Total ash, respectively. The nutrient content of readymade concentrate was 90.21, 18.10, 10.48, 4.18, 62.80 and 4.44 percent of DM, CP, CF, EE, NFE and Total ash, respectively, homemade concentrate-I contain 90.20, 19.26, 10.68, 4.16, 60.70 and 5.20 percent of DM, CP, CF, EE, NFE and Total ash, respectively, homemade concentrate-II contain 90.12, 17.68, 11.79, 4.69, 60.49 and 5.35 percent of DM, CP, CF, EE, NFE and Total ash, respectively and homemade concentrate-III contain 90.16, 17.80, 12.38, 4.12, 60.24 and 5.46 percent of DM, CP, CF, EE, NFE and Total ash, respectively. On an average, the Holdeo (HFXD) heifer consumed 8.18, 8.52, 7.62, and 7.85 kg of feed per day under T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. Daily DMI differed significantly between the treatments. The heifers from the T2 group need more DM than those from the T1, T4 and T3 groups. The average daily intake was 4.703, 4.813, 4.683 and 4.602 kg/day/heifer in the T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups, respectively. It shows that a higher intake of DM per 100 kg body weight was observed in T2 (3.356) and the lowest in T1 (3.278), T3 (3.080) and T4 (3.200) groups, respectively. The body weight gain of Holdeo (HFXD) heifers significantly differs (P<0.05) among different groups of treatments. Total body weight gain was found to be higher in T2 (41.48) than in T1 (38.70), T4 (37.76) and T3 (35.71). On the basis of body measurements, gain in chest girth (cm) was highest observed in T2 (11.58) than in T1 (10.30), T4 (9.85) and lowest in T3 (8.91). The body length (cm) highest observed in T2 (9.00) followed by T1 (8.25), T4 (8.03) and T3 (7.45) and body height highest observed in T2 (12.60) followed by T1 (12.10), T4 (11.75) and T3 (10.86). On the basis of cost of feeding, treatment T2 was superior to the others. The combination of feeding jowar kadbi and jowar multicut fulfilled the balance diet. The intake trend indicated that all the animals must have received the feed in an adequate quantity to satisfy their appetite. All the heifers exhibited satisfactory growth rates of 300 to 400 g per day and differences were significant. The per kg gain of body weight was higher in T2 treatment. It was over experimental results. The treatment T2 showed better and more desirable results as compared with T1, T3 and T4 treatments. The total cost of feed per kg body weight gain per heifer was similar found in T2 and T4. The treatment T2 and T4 were found to be lower cost of feed than other treatments. In a comparison between readymade concentrate (T1) and homemade concentrate-III (T4), homemade concentrate-III had a lower cost of structure than readymade concentrate.