Studies on Population Dynamics and Management of Gram Pod Borer Through Biopesticides and Chemical Pesticides

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ABSTRACT Present research work on “Study on Population dynamics and management of gram pod borer through biopesticides and chemical pesticides” was conducted in Rabi 2012-13 at J.N.K.V.V., Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (M.P.).The experiment was conducted with the following objectives. 1. To find out the peak period of incidence of gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) in relation to weather parameters. 2. To find out the efficacy of some biopesticides and some new molecules against gram pod borer. 3. To workout the economics of the management of gram pod borer Study on Population dynamics and management of gram pod borer through biopesticides and chemical pesticides revealed that gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera, Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) was the main pests which damaged to t the crop. The infestation of H.armigera was started from the 50th SMW (11December to 17 December) and it was continued up to 13th SMW (26 March to 1 April). During the peak activity of the pest, the maximum population (8.02 larvae/mrl) was recorded in the 3rd SMW (15 January to 21 January). During this period the maximum and minimum temperature respectively were 24.30 0C and 8.77 0C, relative humidity in the morning and evening was respectively 90.86% and 49%. Correlation studies revealed that morning relative humidity exhibited significantly positive correlation (r= 0.53) with Helicoverpa armigera larval population. A negative but very weak correlation between Helicoverpa larval population and maximum temp, minimum temp., wind velocity and evaporation (r = - 0.416, -0.245, -0.07 and -0.247),respectively were observed where as positive correlation between Helicoverpa larval population and abiotic parameters viz. evening relative humidity and rainfall (r = 0.410 and 0.297) was found to be non-significant. Under chemical control nine insecticides including some newer one were tested against Helicoverpa armigera larvae in the field. All the insecticidal treatments proved to be effective in reducing overall larval population. Flubendiamide 39.35SC performed best recording lowest population (0.63 larvae per metre row length), followed by indoxacarb 14.5EC (0.96 larvae/mrl), cypermethrin 25EC (1.15 larvae/mrl), fipronil 5SC (1.27 larvae/mrl), quinalphos 25EC (1.37 larvae/mrl), cartap hydrochloride 50SP (1.57 larvae/mrl), NPV (1.68 larvae/mrl) and NSKE (1.72 larvae/mrl). B.t. treated plots recorded higher population (1.91 larvae/mrl). The untreated plots recorded highest larval population (3.44 larvae/mrl) of gram pod borer. With regard to pod damage, flubendiamide 39.35SC was found best recording significantly minimum pod damage (8%) followed by indoxacarb 14.5EC (9.10%), cypermethrin25EC (10.66%), fipronil 5SC (11.27%), quinalphos 25EC (12%), cartap hydrochloride 50SP (12.40%),NPV (12.70%) and NSKE (12.93%) . Among the treatments the B.t. recorded highest pod damage (13.29%). The untreated plots recorded highest pod damage (16%). Flubendiamide 39.35SC recorded significantly highest yield (1842 kg/ha). followed by indoxacarb 14.5EC (1759 kg/ha), cypermethrin 25EC (1556 kg/ha), fipronil 5SC (1494 kg/ha), quinalphos 25EC (1474 kg/ha), cartap hydrochloride 50SP (1434 kg/ha), NPV(1374 kg/ha) and NSKE (1356 kg/ha). Among the treatments the B.t. was recorded lowest yield (1323 kg/ha). The untreated plots recorded lowest yield of (1108 kg/ha). Treatment flubendiamide 39.35SC gave maximum net profit (20688 Rs/ha) among all the treatments followed by Indoxacarb 14.5 SC (17632 Rs/ha), whereas Incremental cost benefit ratio was maximum with the treatment of cypermethrin 25EC (1:9.69). The minimum net profit and Incremental cost benefit ratio was recorded in the treatment of B.t.( 3440 Rs/ha and 1:1.00),respectively.