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Key word :Chilliadoption, Drip irrigation method, Conventional irrigation method Horticulture sector is a prominent sector among agriculture and allied activities as means of diversification and nature has placed India in a place of pride on horticultural development map of the world. India is second largest producer, consumer and exporter of spice and spice based byproduct. The chilli (Capsicum annum L.) is an important commercial and vegetable cum spice crop of India. The chilli crop is cultivated by the farmers of Saurashtra region using drip irrigation and conventional method of irrigation. The scope to increase the productivity of chilli to its potential would substantiate the need for promotion of chilli production practices on the farmer’s fields. One way by which extension scientists can contribute to this task is to find out better ways and means of promoting chilli production practices among the group of clientele. In this context, it is thought worthwhile to undertake study entitled “Adoption of chilli production practices with drip irrigation and conventional irrigation method by the farmers in Rajkot district” with following specific objectives; to measure the extent of adoption of beneficiaries and to study the personal, socio-economic, communication, psychological and situational characteristics of respondents as well as relationship with extent their adoption. It also included to study the constraints in adoption about chilli production practices and suggestions to overcome constraints. The study was conducted in Rajkot district of Gujarat state. Out of ten talukas, three talukas having higher land under chilli cultivation were purposively selected. Nine villages from these selected talukas were randomly selected.Further, 20 farmers (10 chilli growers with drip irrigation method and 10 chilli growers with conventional irrigation method) were selected from each of selected village, comprising total 180 chilli growers as respondents. Their responses were collected through pre-tested andwell-structured personal interview schedule. The respondents were contacted at their home or at their field. The dependent and independent variables were measured by utilizing appropriate scale and procedures adopted by other research workers with some modifications. The statistical tools used to analyze the data were: percentage, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of correlation. More than three-fifth (61.67 per cent) of the respondents were from middle age, more than one-third (37.78 per cent) of respondents had education up to secondary level, medium farm experience (63.33per cent), medium social participation (72.78 per cent), semi medium size of land holding (44.44per cent), high annual income (33.90per cent), medium extension participation (52.78per cent), medium market orientation (64.44 per cent), medium level innovativeness (51.11per cent), high scientific orientation(70.00per cent), medium risk orientation (58.33per cent), medium localite cosmopolite orientation (55.00 per cent) and yield index (63.89per cent). Nearly three-fourth (71.11 per cent) of the respondents were found in medium category of adoption level about recommended chilli production practices with drip irrigation method and two-third (66.67 per cent) of the respondents were found in medium category of adoption about recommended chilli production practices with conventional irrigation method. It was also concluded that characteristics of the respondents like education, social participation, extension participation, market orientation, innovativeness, scientific orientation, risk orientation, localite cosmopolite orientation and yield index had positive and highly significant relationship with the adoption of respondent farmers about recommended chilli production practices with drip irrigation method. The characteristics of the respondents like education, social participation, extension participation, market orientation, innovativeness and scientific orientation had positive and highly significant relationship with the adoption of farmers about recommended chilli production practices with conventional irrigation method. Major constrains faced by the respondents were fluctuation in market price (1.72 WMS), lack of market facilities (1.66 WMS), seedlings die before transplanting (1.61 WMS),high cost of labour (1.60 WMS) and lack of man power (1.58 WMS). The most important suggestions expressed by the respondents were more number of demonstrations on chilli production technologies should be organized on farmers’ fields (74.44 per cent),efforts should be made to minimized the input cost (68.88 per cent), training on new cultivation technology should be imparted (67.77 per cent), technical guidance should be provided regarding chilli production practices (65.55 per cent) and incentives in the form of subsidy should be provided by government for adoption of chilli production technologies (60.00 per cent).