Characterisation and Classification of Cotton growing soils in Amaravathi area of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh

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Eight representative soil profiles of black and associated soils from Amaravathi area of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh were selected and described for their site and morphological features. Horizon wise soil samples were collected from each profile and subjected to laboratory analysis to study the physical, physico-chemical and chemical properties. The clay samples from the control section of six profiles were analysed for clay minerals. The soils were classified up to family level as per USDA Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1998). The soil survey data were interpreted for Land Capability Classification as per the guidelines given by Sehgal (1996). Suitability of the soils for growing cotton crop was evaluated using FAO criteria (FAO, 1976). The study area falls in semi-arid climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. All the profiles were derived from granitic-gneiss parent material. Topography of the study area varied from plain lands to gently sloping lands. The colour of the soils varied from very dark grayish brown to dark gray (1, 2, 3 and 6), brown to dark yellowish brown (4, 5 and 7) and brown to dark brown (8). The texture of the study area varied from sandy loam to clay and structure from granular to sub-angular blocky at surface and sub-angular blocky to angular blocky in sub surface layers among different profiles. The bulk density values of the soils were low at surface compared to subsurface layers. Pore space, water holding capacity, volume expansion and sticky point values varied according to clay content. The soils were slightly alkaline to moderately alkaline in reaction. EC values of the soils were low except in profile 6. Relatively high CEC values were observed in profiles 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 compared to profiles 4, 7 and 8, where the CEC was less than 30 cmol (p+) kg-1 soil. Calcium was the dominant cation on the exchange complex, followed by magnesium, sodium and potassium in all the profiles. Elemental composition data revealed that silica and sesquioxides were the dominant fractions followed by calcium and magnesium oxides. The soils were low in N, medium to high in P and K. Among micronutrients copper and manganese were sufficient, while zinc and iron were deficient in these soils. X-RD data revealed that the clay fraction of all these soil profiles had dominance of smectite, with small quantities of illite and kaolinite. The soils were classified based on morphological, physical, physicochemical, mineralogical and meteorological data as Profile 1 & 2 : Very fine, smectitic, isohyperthermic, Udic Haplustert Profile 3 : Fine, smectitic, isohyperthermic, Udic Haplustert Profile 4 : Loamy, smectitic, isohyperthermic,Vertic Haplustept Profile 5 : Fine, smectitic, isohyperthermic, Typic Haplustert Profile 6 : Very fine, smectitic, isohyperthermic, Typic Haplustert Profile 7 and 8 : Fine loamy, smectitic, isohyperthermic, Typic Haplustept Land evaluation for land capability revealed that, the profiles 1, 2 and 3 were classed under sub class IIIwf. Profiles 4 and 5 were grouped under IIIsf, while profiles 6, 7 and 8 were classified under IIsw, IIIs and IVsf, respectively. The soils represented by profiles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are marginally suitable (S3) due to severe limitations of fertility and moderate limitation of drainage and depth of the profiles, while profiles 7 and 8 are marginally suitable for cotton due to severe limitations of coarse fragments , depth and organic carbon content. Profile 6 is moderately suitable (S2) due to moderate limitation of organic carbon content of the soils.
Characterisation, Classification, Cotton, growing, soils, Amaravathi, area, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh