Genetic evaluation of advanced breeding lines for seed yield and component traits in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]

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CSK HPKV, Palampur
The present investigation entitled “Genetic evaluation of advanced breeding lines for seed yield and component traits in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]” was undertaken to assess genetic variability, diversity and association of other traits with seed yield and their direct and indirect effects in order to identify promising soybean genotypes. The experimental material comprised of 34 fixed advanced breeding lines of soybean and three checks viz., Hara Soya, Him Soya and Shivalik. The genotypes were raised in randomized block design with three replications under rainfed conditions at the Experimental Farm of Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CSK HPKV, Palampur during kharif, 2021. Data were recorded for 14 seed yield and component traits at appropriate stages of crop growth. Reaction to prevalent diseases was also recorded under natural field conditions. Analysis of variance revealed the presence of sufficient genetic variability for all the traits studied. The values of PCV were greater than their corresponding GCV values indicating the marked influence of environment in the expression of traits. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was recorded for pod insertion height, plant height, branches per plant, 100-seed weight, seed yield per plant and pods per plant indicating the preponderance of additive gene action and selection for these traits could be effective. Correlation coefficient analysis showed the significant and positive association of plant height, nodes on main stem, inter-node length, pods per plant, seeds per pod, biological yield per plant and harvest index with seed yield per plant both at phenotypic and genotypic levels. Based on path coefficient analysis, harvest index and biological yield per plant could be considered as the direct selection indices for yield improvement in soybean. In genetic divergence studies, eight clusters were formed. The genotypes for earliness, higher pod length, biological yield per plant and seed yield per plant could be selected from cluster II. Genes for bold seeds and more pods per plant could be introgressed from genotype P101-16-1-2 falling under cluster IV into other genotypes. None of the genotypes appeared to be highly resistant against frogeye leaf spot, pod blight and bacterial pustules while two genotypes namely P99-1-7-3-1 and P101-20-2-1 showed highly resistant reaction against brown spot disease. Six genotypes viz., P3-10-1-2 (Hardee × JS 20-87), P5-1-1-1 (JS 97-52 × PS 1225), P120-9-1-3 (Hardee × Hara Soya), P108-14-2-6-2 (PS 1469 × Hara Soya), P101-18-2-2-1 (Pb 1 × Hara Soya) and P101-18-2-2 (Pb 1 × Hara Soya) performed better for seed yield and component traits and exhibited resistant to moderate resistant reaction against frogeye leaf spot, pod blight and brown spot diseases and were diverse. Hence, these genotypes could be tested further in different locations and used in hybridization programme in order to develop high yielding genotypes coupled with earliness and disease resistance.