Germination and transplanting studies in aonla (Emblica officinalis gaertn.)

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The present investigation was carried out at the experimental orchard of Department of Horticulture CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. In the experiment, the effect of sowing time (3rd week of March and 3rd week of April) and chemicals (GA3 – 250, 500, 750 ppm; Thiourea 0.5, 1.0, 1.5% and KNO3 – 0.5, 1.0, 1.5%) on seed germination in aonla and the transplanting of budded aonla plants with earth ball and without ball during 1st week of July, August, September, January, February and March were studied During the present investigation 500 ppm GA3 was found to be the most effective treatment resulting in significant increase in seed germination (75.50%), survival percentage (83.37%), seedling height (72.94 cm), seedling girth (0.63 cm), number of branches per plant (3.13 cm), percent buddable seedling (80.44%) and early germination (8.0 days) followed by 1.0% thiourea. The seeds soaked in water also gave better performance as compared to untreated seeds. The 3rd week of March was found to be the best time of sowing of seeds as compared to 3rd week of April sowing. The transplanting of budded aonla plants with earth ball was found to be the best treatment as compared to plants without earth ball in all the months. The maximum survival percentage was obtained in plants with earth ball transplanted during 1st week of February (80.00%) followed by 1st week of July (73.30%), whereas, plants without earth ball gave maximum survival percentage when transplanted was done during 1st week of February (73.30%).