Influence of nitrogen source on wheat varieties under semi-arid environment

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The present study entitled “Influence of nitrogen source on wheat varieties under semi-arid environment” was conducted at Agronomy Research area of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hasir during rabi 2017-18 with objective to study the effect of nitrogen source on growth, yield attribute and yields of wheat and work out the economics of different treatments. In the main plots there were five wheat varieties (WH-1105, WH-1142, HD-3086, HD-2967 and DBW-88). In sub plots there was different nitrogen source namely 100 RDN through inorganic source (urea) , 100 per cent RDN through organic source (vermicompost) and 50 per cent RDN through inorganic + 50 per cent RDN through organic source. The experiment was laid out in split plots design in three replication, so it consisted forty five treatment combinations. Based on the research investigation, it concluded that either different varieties or nitrogen source did not differed significantly in respect to plant population at 15 DAS. The growth parameters such as plant height(cm) , Dry matter accumulation (g/meter row length), LAI, LAD(days), CGR(g/m2/day) and yield attributes and yield such as effective tillers per meter square, number of spike per meter row length, length of spike(cm) , number of grains per spike-1, 1000 grain wheat weight(g) were significantly differed among the varieties and nitrogen source except test weight irrespective of nitrogen source. However, RGR did not significantly affect among the varieties. Similarly 1000 grain test weight was found non-significant among nutrient source but it was found significant among the varieties. The N and P content in grain and straw and their uptake by grain and straw significantly affected by nitrogen source. However it was not significantly affected among the varieties. Significantly higher N and P content(%) was observed under the combine application of 50 per cent RDN through inorganic + 50 per cent RDN through organic source significantly higher over 100 per cent RDN through organics source and 100 per cent RDN through inorganic source in grain and straw of wheat. The K content (%) in grain and straw observed non-significant among the varieties and nitrogen source. Similarly the N and P uptake by grain and straw significantly influenced by nitrogen source, however it was not influenced significantly among the varieties, significantly higher N and P uptake by grain and straw was observed under the 50 per cent RDN through inorganic + 50 per cent RDN through organic source over 100 per cent RDN through organic source but statistically at par with 100 per cent RDN through inorganic source. The K uptake by grain and straw was significantly influenced by varieties and nitrogen source. Among the varieties, significantly higher K uptake by grain and straw observed under the variety WH-1105 over other varieties except HD-3086 and DBW-88. Protein content (%) significantly improved by nitrogen source, however it was not affected by varieties. Application of 50 per cent RDN through inorganic + 50 per cent RDN through organic source recorded significantly higher protein content (%) as compared to 100 RDN through organic source which was statistically at par with 100 RDN through inorganic source.