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ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Studies on biofertilizers and micronutrient application in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)” was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, (HP) in the Rabi season of 2016-17 and 2017-18. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) Factorial with three replications comprising of fourteen treatment combinations having two levels of biofertilizers i.e. B0= No biofertilizers & B1= Biofertilizers (Azotobacter + PSB + KSB) and seven levels of micronutrientsviz., M0= No micronutrient, M1= Boric acid @ 0.5 %,M2= Zinc sulphate@ 0.5 %, M3= Ferrous sulphate@ 0.5 %, M4= Manganese sulphate @ 0.5 %,M5= Ammonium molybdate @ 0.5 %, M6= Multiplex @ 0.5 %. In total there were fourteen treatment combinations viz., B0M0,B0M1, B0M2, B0M3, B0M4, B0M5, B0M6, B1M0, B1M1, B1M2, B1M3, B1M4, B1M5 and B1M6. Seedlings of cabbage were transplanted on 7th October, 2016 and 8th October 2017 in a plot size of 4.05 m2 in three replications. The treatment combination B1M6 registered maximum plant spread (42.38 cm), gross head weight (1299.00 g), net head weight (870.00 g), harvest index (66.97 %), yield per plot (16.31 kg), yield per hectare (322.10 q) and heading percentage (90.28 %). It also recorded maximum available phosphorous (78.40 kg/ha) in soil which was statistically at par with B1M2. Minimum number of days to 50 per cent head maturity (67.50) and minimum number of non wrapper leaves (8.35) were observed in B1M1. Same treatment registered highest TSS (5.72 ˚Brix) and maximum leaf P content (0.62 %). B1M2 registered maximum vitamin C content (59.97 mg/100 g), leaf Zn content (47.17 ppm), however, maximum available potassium (399.07 kg/ha) in soil and leaf N content (3.54 %) in cabbage was statistically at par with B1M6. The maximum values for polar diameter (13.75 cm), equatorial diameter (13.36 cm), available iron (17.15 mg/kg) in soil, leaf Fe content (173.30 ppm) was observed in B1M3, whereas maximum leaf K content (2.32 %) was statistically at par with B1M6. Maximum head compactness (47.45) was recorded in B1M5. Maximum available manganese content (14.55 mg/kg) in soil and leafMn content (84.77 ppm)was recordedin B1M4.On thebasis of economic returnsitwasconcluded that B1M6 i.e. Biofertilizers (Azotobacter + PSB + KSB) + Multiplex @ 0.5 % was rated as the best treatment in terms of growth, yield and quality parameters. It resulted in maximum yield (322.10 q/ha) with highest annual net return of Rs. 369134.90/ha and B: C ratio of 3.04. Besides this it also enhanced the soil fertility status as evident through the increased post harvest availability ofN, P and K by 19.27, 49.04, 14.68 per cent, over the initial content in the soil (pre experimental). In addition to this the leaf nutrient content (N, P, K, Zn, Fe and Mn) of cabbage has also increased. Hence for getting more yield, quality produce and high economic returns, seedling root dip @ 1 kg/ha and soil application @ 5 kg/ha each of biofertilizers (Azotobacter + PSB + KSB) with three foliar spray of @ 0.5 % Multiplex at 20 days interval from days of transplanting can be recommended for commercialcabbage cultivation in Himachal Pradesh.