Effectiveness of training programmes of Krishi Vigyan Kendras : A gender analysis

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The study was conducted in four KVKs two each from western (Bhiwani and Fatehabad) and eastern zone (Rohtak and Jhajjar), Haryana working under CCSHAU, Hisar and financed by ICAR on the basis of those who were functioning for the last five years and maximum numbers of rural women participated in their trainings. Gender-wise performance of trainings was analyzed through two years (April 2012 to March 2014) annual reports of KVKs. Total 200 respondents included both male and female beneficiaries from all the four KVKs were interviewed to explore their opinion and expectations from trainings and impact of trainings. All the 19 extension personnel of selected KVKs involved in conduct of trainings were also interviewed to explore their role perception, performance and constraints. Results related to gender-wise analysis of annual reports indicated that irrespective of type, clientele and venue of trainings, comparatively male participation was more in all the trainings. Male and female participation was 59.9 and 40.1 per cent in on campus general trainings conducted for rural youth. In case of on campus vocational trainings for unemployed and self employed rural youth, 67.6 and 32.4, 57.5 and 42.5 per cent male and female beneficiaries respectively attended the various trainings. 81.4 and 18.6 per cent male and female beneficiaries attended 3-5 days duration general trainings. Further, male and female respondents’ participation in various extension activities organized by western zone KVKs was 76.4 and 23.6 per cent where as in eastern zone, it was 68.8 and 31.2 per cent. Results further indicated that majority of male respondents were getting information about trainings from friends and relatives, KVK scientists and mobile SMS. While for female, family members followed by mobile SMS and university scientists. Overall level of opinion of respondents towards trainings was medium followed by high. Whereas, level of expectations was high followed by medium. Comparatively male beneficiaries have more expectations from KVKs training programmes than female. Out of total sample, 31.5 and 25.0 per cent male and female had partial followed by no and full adoption. Overall effectiveness of training programmes of KVKs rated by male and female beneficiaries was medium followed by high. 47.4 per cent trainers had high followed medium (36.8%) role perception. Regarding role performance, more than half of the respondents irrespective of KVKs had medium (52.6%) followed by high (36.8%) level of role performance. Major constraints experienced by the trainers were: lot of paper work and reporting and excessive burden of work and responsibilities due to number of vacant posts in all the KVKs.