A Profilistic Study on Awardee Farmers in North Karnataka

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UAS, Dharwad
The present study was conducted in the year 2010-11 in North Karnataka with a sample size of 80 farmers, constituting 40 farmers awarded by KSDA and 40 nonawardee (other) farmers were randomly selected for comparison. The data was collected with the help of structured interview schedule. The profile analysis of respondents revealed that, majority of awardee farmers belonged to middle age category, educated upto PUC, medium land holding, high income category, high farming experience, high mass media utilization, high extension contact, high risk orientation, high achievement motivation, high economic motivation, high innovativeness and high management orientation category. Whereas, majority of non-awardee farmers were also middle aged, had education upto middle school, belonged to semi medium income category, low mass media utilization, medium extension contact, low economic motivation, low economic motivation and low management orientation category. The results indicated that, the productivity level of awardee farmers in respect of sugarcane (220t/ha), paddy (98.68 qt/ha), maize (91.96 qt/ha), kharif jowar (47.01 qt/ha) and with respect to various crops in general was higher than the non-awardee farmers. The findings also revealed that, majority of awardee farmers adopted the crop enterprises like; agriculture-horticulture-forestry-forage crops-dairy-poultrysheep/ goat rearing-vermicompost. Further the awardee farmers adopted the mixed cropping patterns like redgram+blackgram, maize+bengalgram and greengram+jowar. The major constraints faced by awardee farmers were the problem of price fluctuation, lack of guidance in time by extension staff, non availability of labour. Whereas, cent per cent of non-awardee farmers facing the problems of nonavailability and high cost of labour, high cost of inputs like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, price fluctuation and transportation and marketing.
Agricultural Extension Education