Physical and Psychological Wellbeing of Urban and Rural Elderly: Correlates and Intervention

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University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad
The study was carried out on randomly selected 540 Rural and Urban male and female elderly from Dharwad Taluka under the age group of 60-74, 75-84 and 85 & above. Data was collected through exploratory and personal interview methods.The results revealed that, majority of the elderly had no health problems and very few of them reported severe health problems. Health status was significantly associated with age, gender, marital status and occupation in case of rural elderly. Majority of the 60-74 yrs age group Rural and Urban elderly had good health status (66.7%) and (78.9%). Significant and positive relationship was found between health status and functional abilities among the elderly. Involvement of rural and urban elderly in leisure time activities was significantly associated with gender and occupation. It had also positive and significant relationship with functional abilities. Majority of the sample were able to perform the daily activities independently. Age, gender, caste, locality, education, family type, family size, marital status, occupation, socio-economic status and overall adjustment had significant influence on levels of functioning such as physical, psycho-motor and sensory, socio emotional, cognitive and overall functional ability of the elderly. Urban elderly showed better functional abilities than their rural counterparts. Caste and marital status had significant influence on family members attitude towards their elderly in rural area. Majority of the elderly showed good adjustment in the areas like social, home, emotional and overall adjustment. Age, gender, locality, education, family type, family size, marital status, occupation, socio-economic status had significant influence on adjustment. On the basis of the results elderly with physical, psychological and adjustment problems, an intervention programme was delivered for 15 weeks with two sessions / week and each session was for two hours, in two villages of Dharwad Taluka on the experimental group with a designed educational training program. Intervention programme had significant and positive impact on the physical, psychological health status and adjustment pattern of the rural elderly.