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Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur
The study was conducted to analyse the profile characteristics of commercial floriculture nursery owners and their entrepreneurial behaviour. The relationship between profile characteristics of nursery owners and their entrepreneurial behaviour was elicited. Marketing network of nursery owners was also examined. The constraints faced by nursery owners and suggestions given by them to overcome their constraints were elicited. Ex-post-facto research design was followed for the study. The investigation was purposively carried out at Kadiyam mandal in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh during the year 2018-19 as the locale is nationally and internationally known for commercial floriculture nurseries and was dominant with more area under floriculture among the mandals of East Godavari district. Three villages with highest number and area under commercial floriculture nurseries namely Kadiyam, Vemagiri and Veeravaram were purposively selected and later 120 nursery owners were selected randomly from the three villages in proportion to the number of nurseries in each village. The data was collected with the help of a structured interview schedule through personal interview method and data obtained was analyzed by using suitable statistical methods. The detailed analysis of the study have shown that majority of the nursery owners were in middle age, completed high school education, small farmers, had a medium level of experience in nursery business, training not undergone, medium family size, annual turnover less than 50 lakhs, medium mass media exposure, medium material possession, medium social participation, low level of extension contact, medium level of aspiration. Further it was also observed that major source of credit was from the commercial banks followed by its major utilization in nursery business itself. It was also revealed that majority of the nursery owners were marketing their plants to the local customers, local traders and other nurseries in Kadiyam. xvii The study revealed that majority of the nursery owners had medium entrepreneurial behaviour. Among components of the entrepreneurial behaviour, it was found that majority of them had medium innovativeness, decision making ability, leadership ability, achievement motivation, risk orientation, management orientation, scientific orientation, competition orientation, critical thinking, entrepreneurial selfefficacy and locus of control. Under different components of entrepreneurial behaviour, nursery owners possessed the highest leadership ability followed by management orientation, competition orientation, decision making ability, resiliency, scientific orientation, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, innovativeness, risk orientation, achievement motivation, critical thinking and locus of control. Factor analysis on components of entrepreneurial behaviour revealed that innovativeness and decision making are the two major components expressing a total variation of 58.72 towards entrepreneurial behaviour. The correlation analysis revealed that education, land holding, experience in nursery business, training undergone, annual turnover, marketing pattern, credit acquisition and utilization, mass media exposure, material possession, social participation, extension contact and level of aspiration had positively significant relationship with the entrepreneurial behaviour of nursery owners whereas family size and age had non-significant relationship with the entrepreneurial behaviour of nursery owners. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that, all the independent variables put together explained 69.90 per cent of the total variance with entrepreneurial behaviour of nursery owners. Path analysis revealed that the highest direct influence on entrepreneurial behaviour of nursery owners was exerted by land holding followed by material possession and extension contact, whereas the highest indirect effect was exerted by land holding followed by material possession and annual turnover. Highest substantial indirect effect on entrepreneurial behaviour was exerted by land holding through material possession and material possession through land holding. With regard to marketing network of commercial floriculture nursery owners it was revealed that customers themselves identifying the nursery was the major source of identification of the nursery followed by direct sale at the nursery as the major method of sale, credit as the major kind of payment in sale and good packaging as the major promotional strategy. It was also revealed that majority of nursery owners had face to face communication with the customers and with no delivery arrangement. Further it was also observed that major quantum of sale during 2017-18 was through agents and traders and major percentage of the customers who visited the nurseries during 2017-18 were diversified customers. Among the major constraints faced by nursery owners, scarcity of labour was the major constraint followed by unavailability of suitable soil, attack of pests and diseases, competition from new nurseries, marketing problems, lack of technical guidance, high labour wages and irregular supply of electricity. The major suggestions given by them were improved practices of mechanization followed by provision of appropriate potting mixture, proper market facilities and better price of the plants, timely technical advice, provision of demand driven knowledge about scientific cultivation practices in floriculture, regulation of nurseries, organisation of floriculture exhibitions and trade shows, periodical skill orientated training, provision of subsidies and finally establishment of communal solar and biogas plants.