Assessment of genetic diversity and bacterial blight resistance in pomegranate [Punica granatum L.] genotypes using molecular markers

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
An experiment entitled “Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Bacterial Blight Resistance in Pomegranate (PunicaGranatumL.) Genotypes Using Molecular Markers”was carried out atVilasraoDeshmukh College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Latur (M.S.) during the year 2019-20. In this research, we used ISSR markers to study the genetic diversity and genetic relationships among the 21 pomegranate genotypes with reference to bacterial blight disease resistance. Among 22 ISSR primers screened 18 primers showed 107 polymorphic alleles,with a mean of 5.94 alleles per primer. ThePolymorphic Information Content(PIC)values varied from 0.090 to 0.448 with an average of 0.235 per primer.The genetic distance between the 21 genotypes of pomegranate was ranged from 0.08 to 0.50with an average of 0.232.The UPGMA cluster analysis reveals that single genotype (Muscat) was formed a unique major cluster I, while two wild and rest of the cultivated varieties grouped in cluster II. The wild genotypes (Nana and IC-318720) were grouped into cluster III. It reveals from the present investigation that bacterial blight resistance wild genotypes forms separate cluster (III) and observed highly dissimilar to the rest of genotypes. On the basis of bacterial blight resistance, wild genotypes of pomegranate viz.Nana, IC- 318720, IC- 318810 and IC-318734 proved to be promising and can be utilized as Donors to introgress bacterial blight resistance in pomegranatebreeding programme.The unique ISSR marker (UBC-810) amplified specific allele of size (500bp) only in wild (resistant) pomegranate genotypes was first time reported and helpful to distinguish wild and cultivated pomegranate genotypes.Accordingly, the molecular information revealed in present investigation, bacterial blight disease resistance evaluation in selected pomegranate genotypes will be highly useful into future facilitation to pomegranate breeders to develop bacterial blight resistant/tolerant genotypes through marker-assisted selection.