Evaluation for heterosis and combining ability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench)

dc.contributor.advisorKayande, Dr. N.V.
dc.contributor.authorNama, Nirmala Devi
dc.descriptionIn okra, heterosis plays a major role in exploitation of hybrid vigour and combining ability helps in the selection of parents for hybridization programme and also in identification superior cross combinations and thus helps in release of commercial hybrids. The present study reveals that among the considered parents 38HU and MTPH were found to be good general combiners for yield and yield contributing characters. Among crosses 38HU X 14-11, 38HU X 11-6 and 38HU X 14-11-5 were found to be best crosses having significant heterosis and high sca. Therefore these crosses can be further evaluated in multilocation trails and can be released for commercial cultivation.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present study entitled “Evaluation for heterosis and combining ability in okra” was carried out with objectives to study the heterosis and combining ability effects in different genotypes of okra using Line X Tester analysis (Kempthorne, 1957). The crosses were affected using four lines (females) viz., MTPH, 11-1, NO-3 and 38HU and seven testers (males) viz., 14-11-5, 11-14, PF, 11-6, BH-55, 93M and AKOV-107. Eleven parents and their crosses along with the standard check Exp Hy-1 (Mahyco) have been evaluated in randomized block design with two replications at the experimental farm of Chilli and Vegetable research unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra during kharif, 2016. The data was recorded on fourteen characters viz., days to initiation of flowering, days required for 50 percent flowering, days required to first harvesting, plant height, Internode length, number of branches per plant, number of internodes per plant, fruit length, breadth of the fruit, fruit weight, number of fruits per plant, green fruit yield per plant, green fruit yield per plot, green fruit yield per hectare. The highest mean performance was recorded in 38HU X 11-14(268.45%) followed by 38HU X 11-6 (266.15%) and 38HU x 14-11-5 (259.4%) for yield per plant. The highest and significant average heterosis for yield per plant was recorded by cross combination 38HU X 11-6 (44.98%) followed by 38HU X 11-14 (55.07%). The maximum significant heterobeltiosis for yield per plant was recorded by the cross 38HU X 11-6 (36.65%) followed by 38HU X 11-14 (53.07%). The highest standard heterosis over check Exp Hy-1 for yield per plant was recorded by 38HU X 11-14 (37.60%) followed by 38HU X 11-6 (36.42%) and 38HU X 14-11-5 (32.97%). Among the parents two lines (38HU and MTPH) and four testers (14-11-5, 11-14, PF and 11-6) were found to be good general combiners for yield per plant along with the most of the yield contributing traits. Thus these parents should be included in further hybridization programme. High sca effects for yield per plant were recorded by 11-1 x 14-11-5 (41.58) followed by 38HU X 11-14 (40.47) and MPTH X AKOV-107 (36.45). These crosses also recorded the sca effects for most of the yield contributing traits. On the basis of mean performance, heterosis and sca effects of crosses, twelve crosses viz., 11-1 x 14-11-5, 38HU X 11-14, MPTH X AKOV-107, MPTH X 93M, NO-3 X 11-6, NO-3 X AKOV-107, NO-3 X BH-55, 11-1 X PF, 38HU X PF, 11-1 X BH-55, 38HU X 11-6 and 38HU X 14-11-5 were identified as promising crosses for fruit yield per plant. Hence these crosses should be tested in preliminary or multilocation trails for further commercial exploitation.en_US
dc.identifier.citationNama Nirmala Devi, Evaluation for heterosis and combining ability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench), Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, pages xiii, 113en_US
dc.keywordsAverage heterosis, heterobeltiosis, standard heterosis, combining abilityen_US
dc.publisherDr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akolaen_US
dc.research.problemEvaluation for heterosis and combining ability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench)en_US
dc.themeTo evaluation for heterosis and combining ability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench)en_US
dc.titleEvaluation for heterosis and combining ability in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench)en_US
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