Studies On Use Of Human Amniotic Membrane In Esophageal Surgery In Dogs

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Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana
Esophageal healing along esophagotomy site was evaluated with amniotic membrane casing (5 dogs). Healing of the experimentally created esophageal mucosal defects with ( 5 dogs) and without amniotic membrane graft (2 dogs) was also evaluated. Interpositioning of the autogenous avascular intestinal (ileum or colon) segment to bridge the smaller cervical esophageal resections (5 dogs) was also carried out. There was only one survivor (ileal graft) in this group. Animals were fed via pharyngostomy tube for first 7 days, except the animals subjected to simple esophagotomy and amniotic membrane casing which in turn were fed by oral route from the very beginning. Intestinal segment necrosis and leakage was observed in animals subjected to avascular intestinal segment grafting in 4 out of 5 animals. No leakage was observed in any animal in rest of the groups. Ho feeding problem with any feed was observed except in animals subjected to mucosal stripping without membrane graft. Initial weight loss followed by a gain was a common feature. Haximum wall scarring observed at 15th postoperative daƧ PO solved appreciably by 30th POD due to soaked and dry feed boluses.Amniotic membrane casing exerted buttress effect to the esophagus at the incision line. It enhanced the re_cpithelization of the esophageal mucosal defects with loss scarring. The grafted autogenous avascular ileal segment had both macroscopic and microscopic vasculature. Esophageal epithelial regeneration over the heal segment lumen was in the process. Normal microscopic structure of ileum was lost