Molecular marker analysis of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] genotypes for pufa content
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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] is an important crop due to high
concentrations of protein and oil. Soybean is an annual diploid plant (2n = 40) having
family fabaceae and it belongs to legumes. Most of the commercially grown soybean
cultivars contain about 40% protein and 20% oil comprising 85% unsaturated fatty
acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic). These fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids)
regulate lipid and cholesterol metabolism and prevent narrowing in artery veins. For
those reasons, refined soybean oil is widely used all over the world. Modifying seed
oil composition has become a major goal in soybean breeding programs. Genotypes
with elevated oleic acid content and reduced linolenic acid content are desirable to
improved functionality of soybean oil by increasing oil utility at higher temperatures.
Genetic mapping and QTL detection are promising tools to optimize selection in
genetic breeding programs, as it allows more accurate study of the genetics of
quantitative traits. The knowledge of the genetic variation within accessions from
germplasm collections is essential to facilitate the introgression of genes of interest
into commercial cultivars.
hi present research work, thirteen soybean genotypes were screened by
using 15 PUFA specific SSR markers. From 15 SSR markers used in this study,
markers AAPTlb (significantly associated with linoleate content and having
correlation with increase in oleate content), FAD2-2C (associated with oleate and
linoleate content), FAD2-2D (associated with linolenate content), Satt581 (closest
marker for QTL qLLE-0 governing for the decreased linoleic acid) and Satt303
(oleate specific) were polymorphic and the other markers AAPTla (associated with
oleate and linolenate content), Satt200 (oleate specific), Sattl56 (specific to oleate
content), Sattl53 (specific to oleate content), Satt394 (specific to oleate content),
Satt356 (specific to oleate content), Satt243 (specific to oleate content), Satt418
(specific to oleate), Satt235 (QTL qLLN-G) and Sattl35 (QTL qLL-Dlb) (closest
markers for governing decreased linolenic acid content) were monomorphic.
Among the 13 genotypes, genotype JS9752 showed more polymorphism
therefore this genotype might be considered for further screening using molecular
(QTL and population study) and biochemical analysis of PUFA content using LCMS/
GC-MS. In present investigation we tried to detect primary variants of 13
different soybean genotypes associated with PUFA using SSR markers (specific to
PUFA) and the result obtained in this research work might be useful if correlated with
biochemical and population studies for MAS breeding for development of soybean
lines with desirable fatty acid content.
Based on SSR analysis data genetic similarity values ranged from 0.579-1.00
with an average 0.789. Genetic distance values determined using Jaccard’s dissimilarity
matrix, were ranged between 0.053-0.421 with an average 0.105. The
highest genetic distance value 0.421 was shown by genotype JS9752. The cluster
analysis was also performed using SSR analysis data. Two major clusters were
categorized as Cluster A and B sharing 67% similarity with each other. The cluster A
divided into two sub-cluster and consisted 12 genotypes. Genotype MAUS9752 was
separately grouped and found to be unique in cluster B.
The total proteins of 13 soybean genotypes were isolated using urea
extraction method described by Damania et ah, (1983). The isolated proteins were
analyzed using SDS-PAGE method described by Laemmli (1970). The SDS profile of
13 genotypes showed monomorphic banding pattern. Among the 13 genotypes,
genotype JS61-2 showed unique banding pattern. The results of seed protein banding
patterns could be used as a general biochemical fingerprint for soybean.