Evaluation of Cumbu Napier Hybrids Co(CN)4 And Co(BN)5 in Crossbred Cattle

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TANUVAS, Chennai
Green fodder feeding is most important for milking cows. An experiment was carried out to compare the growth, performance, proximate composition and nutritive value of Bajra Napier hybrid Co(BN)5 (improved variety) with the standard variety Co(CN)4.Both the cultivars were cultivated in irrigated land comprising red sandy loam soil by following standard agronomical practices and 0.5 acre of land area was utilized for each cultivar. Fodder was harvested on 75th day after planting and subsequent harvest at every 45 days in each experimental plot. The growth and yield parameters were measured.The yield was significantly (p<0.01) higher in Co(BN)5 (360.50t/ha/year)followed by Co(CN)4(290.12t/ ha/year).The biometric observations showed the significant (p<0.05) difference in Co(BN)5 than Co(CN)4. The samples were collected for analyzing chemical composition.The results indicated that the crude protein, crude fibre, NDF, ADF and cellulose content of Co(BN)5 were significantly (p<0.01) higher than Co(CN)4. The fodder crop cultivars were analysed for IVDMD.The IVDMD of Co(BN)5 (49.18%) was significantly higher than the Co(CN)4 (43.09%). A Lactation trial was conducted in twelve cross bred cows during mid lactation period and separated into two groups with six animals in each group. One group was named as control (C) and fed with Co(CN)4 green fodder and another group named as treatment (T) and fed with Co(BN)5. The animals were housed in standard condition, dewormed and fed with clean potable drinking water ad libitum.The experiment was conducted for 90 days. Except green fodder variation, animals were offered ad libitum paddy straw and concentrate mixture according to their level of production. The feed and fodder intake, left over and dry matter intake were recorded every day. The average dry matter intake was recorded and inferred that it was significantly (P<0.05) different. The average milk yield, milk fat, solid non-fat and total solids were recorded for both groups. The average milk yield in treatment group is highly significant (p<0.01) than control group. There was no change observed in the milk fat and solid non-fat. The feed cost was calculated for every litre of milk production.The feed cost is significantly (p<0.01) reduced in treatment group due to the less requirement of Co(BN)5 fodder when compared to Co(CN)4 fodder. It is concluded that Cultivar Co(BN)5 is superior than Co(CN)4 in terms of crop growth and biomass yield. Hence, cultivation of Bajra Napier Cultivar Co(BN)5 and feeding the same to improve the milk yield in cattle is the outcome of this study.
Veterinary Science, Animal Nutrition