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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri.
In this investigation an attempt was made to study the borrowing and utilization of loans by farmers. It was also intended to study the repayment and overdues of loans and to identify the factors associated with the overdues. The study was undertaken in the developed and underdeveloped regions of Malshiras tahsil of Solapur district. The simple random sampling method was used for the selection of sample. The villages were grouped into two categories, one having the canal irrigation facilities and it was designated as developed or irrigated. The other category consisted of the villages which do not have canal irrigation facilities and was designated as underdeveloped or rainfed. From each category, five villages were selected. From each selected village, 5 farmers each from small, medium and large size groups were selected randomly. Thus the total sample comprised of 150 farmers. The data were collected by survey method for the year 1994-95. The average per holding amount of borrowing in the developed region was more than three fold than that in the underdeveloped region. The per hectare borrowings of the farmers in all the size groups of holding in the developed region were more than their counterparts in the underdeveloped region. At the overall level, 91.90 per cent of total loan was from the institutional sources and this proportion went on increasing with the increase in size of holding. Misutilization of short-term and long-term loans was more in the underdeveloped region than in the developed region, while the proportion of misutilization of medium-term loans was more in the developed region. The proportion of repayment of the principal amount was more in the developed region than that in the underdeveloped region. As far as the per hectare amount of outstanding loans and overdues (including interest) are concerned, the amount was more in the developed region than that in the underdeveloped region. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the amount of overdues in the developed region was significantly related with the net income from crop production, net income from other than crop production and amount of loans used for the purpose for which it was taken. In the case of underdeveloped region, the amount of overdues was significantly related with the factors like net income from the sources other than crop production and amount of loan used for the purpose for which it was taken. The important reasons for non-repayment reported by the farmers were low income, non-remunerative prices and crop failure due to natural calamities. Low interest rates, concessions in repayment in case of natural calamities, timely and prompt communication of amount due and provision of timely finance were some of the suggestions made by them. It is felt that there is a need for increasing the institutional fiance in the underdeveloped region. There should be proper appraisal of loan proposals, follow up and supervision after the disbursement of loans. The wilful defaulters should be forced to repay the loans through proper action. The commercial banks may also be given statutory power for recovery of loans on the lines of co-operative banks. Timely and adequate finance should be provided by linking it with crop insurance scheme.