Integrated management of sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de bary) of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. czern & coss)

dc.contributor.advisorMehta, Naresh
dc.contributor.authorHieu, Nguyen Thanh
dc.description.abstractSclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is one of the most devastating and cosmopolitan plant pathogen. The pathogen causing stem rot of Indian mustard has been identified as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The extracts of Bougainvillea spectabilis (Bougainvillea), Azadirachta indica (Neem) and Allium sativum (Garlic) were significantly effective in checking mycelial growth and sclerotia formation at 50 per cent concentration. Bougainvillea and Garlic extracts were also quite effective in reducing the mycelial growth and sclerotia formation even at 37.5 and 25.0 per cent concentration as compared to control. Optimum irrigation on every 7th day and flooding once in week were significantly better as these treatment produce 4.17 and 4.33 per cent pre and post-emergence damping-off as compared to controls (no irrigation and covered/ no irrigation and un-covered). Optimum irrigation on every 3rd day was best in reducing post-emergence damping-off (15 per cent). Flooding for two consecutive days in a week and optimum irrigation on every 7th day were most effective produce apothecia 18.50 and 19.67/pot, respectively. Minimum lesion length (2.27 cm), disease intensity (41.39 per cent), and disease incidence (48.03 per cent) have been recorded in the treatment where flooding once in a week was provided. Out of three soil types, sandy soil recorded least pre-emergence, post-emergence damping-off, number of apothecia/pot, disease intensity and disease incidence as compared to clay and sandy loam soil. Soil amendment with Bougainvillea and Mehndi leaf were able to reduce the number of apothecia appearance, lesion length and disease intensity. Bougainvillea, Eucalyptus and Jamun leaf amendments were better treatments and contracted disease incidence 36.67, 36.67, and 40.0 per cent, respectively, as compared to control. All cakes/organic manures were significantly reduced number of apothecia production in pots. Poultry manure was most effective and significantly better in reducing lesion length and disease intensity. Isolates of Trichoderma harzianum-3, T. harzianum-4 and Bacillus subtillis were most potent in decreasing the linear growth and number of apothecia production in in vitro conditions. T. harzianum was quite effective in reducing lesion length and disease intensity when applied simultaneously and seven days prior to the pathogen. Antagonist @ 15 g wheat bran/kg soil was better in reducing damping-off, lesion length and disease intensity as compared to 5 g and 10 g. The interaction i.e. attachment, coiling, penetrated and degradation of host wall of the pathogen between antagonists and pathogen was observed under microscope. INA, SA seed treatment or spray @ 100 ppm could reduce seedling mortality, lesion length, disease intensity and disease incidence.en_US
dc.subPlant Pathology
dc.subjectIntegrated management, Sclerotinia rot, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Mustard, Biological control, Cultural controlen_US
dc.titleIntegrated management of sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de bary) of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. czern & coss)en_US
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Integrated management of sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de bary) of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. czern & coss)
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