Modeling and Forecasting of Non-stationary and Non-linear Time Series Data

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Department of Agricultural Statistics, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia – 741252
As agricultural commodity prices are non-linear and non-stationary, forecasting them is considered a difficult undertaking. Due to the strong dependence of agricultural output on a range of biological and agro-meteorological parameters, conventional smoothing methods and statistical models sometimes fail to provide a satisfactory model for such series. Different data-driven and self-adaptive approaches have been developed periodically to efficiently capture such complicated patterns. With this backdrop, in this study, an empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-based neural network and support vector regression (SVR) approaches are proposed for forecasting wholesale prices of five important pulses and spices Arhar, Chickpea, Chili, Garlic and Onion. Wholesale price data of three prominent markets for each crop are chosen for modeling and forecasting. As the benchmark models time delay neural network (TDNN) and SVR models have been employed for the comparative evaluation. TDNN (Time-Delay Neural Network) models are designed specifically for modeling sequential data, utilizing fixed-length windows to capture temporal dependencies and patterns. By processing data through multiple layers with shared weights, TDNNs learn to extract relevant features from the input sequence. SVR applied to time series forecasting employs Support Vector Machine (SVM) principles within a regression context to predict future values based on historical time-series data. SVR seeks to identify a hyperplane that best suits the training data while minimizing forecast errors. By transforming input data into a higher-dimensional space and determining the optimal hyperplane with maximum margin from the data points, SVR effectively addresses nonlinear relationships and highdimensional datasets. EMD is employed in time series forecasting by breaking down the original data into Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), representing its inherent oscillatory modes. Following decomposition, each IMF is analysed independently to discern its unique characteristics and trends. Forecasting methods are then applied to predict future values for each IMF. These forecasted values are subsequently amalgamated to generate the overall forecast for the initial time series. The experimental results clearly reveal the comparative superiority of the EMD based models over the bench mark models. Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) is utilized in time series forecasting to enhance prediction accuracy compared to traditional EMD. EEMD introduces randomness into the decomposition process to address mode mixing issues, resulting in multiple realizations of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). By averaging these realizations, EEMD generates more stable IMFs, leading to improved forecasting performance, especially with noisy or complex time series data. Therefore, ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) based models like EEMD-TDNN, EEMD-SVR models are developed to counter the mode mixing problem of EMD process. Results indicate that EEMD based models have outperformed other modeling techniques. Beside this, a new approach is taken to propose an EEMD-SVRTDNN- ARIMA model for price forecasting. For this, all the IMFs obtained from the EEMD method are categorized into high frequency, low frequency and trend component by using Fine to Coarse Reconstruction method. The high frequency components are modelled with SVR, low frequency components are modelled with TDNN and the trend components are modelled with ARIMA model. From the results, it is found that this new approach has performed even better than EEMD-TDNN and EEMD-SVR models in many cases.