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Agribusiness industry deals with the production, processing, marketing and shipments of agricultural produce. It covers a variety of industrial, manufacturing and processing activities based on agricultural raw materials as also activities and services that go as inputs to agriculture. The development of the agribusiness industry can help stabilize and make agriculture more lucrative and create employment opportunities both at the production and marketing stages. This paper tries to explore the opportunities and challenges of agribusiness sector in the country. There is no doubt that agribusiness industry has a lot of potential to improve rural incomes and can play a very significant role in creation of employment for rural youths. The present study focused on the need to critically look at how can people get the opportunities and how can alleviate the constraints faced by the agribusiness sector in the country. There is also need to review the technological supply chain and storage facilities for a wide range of commodities produced in the country. A well-developed agribusiness system in country can make enables millions of farmers and agripreneurs to capitalize the emerging opportunities of the agriculture andallied sector. The development of agribusiness sector is the need of future to strengthening rural employment, food security and living standard of people in the country. The present study of the report about characteristics of Agribusiness in District Varanasi has been described to note the specific management drawback as an were observed and on the basis of which the suggestions. Were concluded to improve the condition of the company from our side as a managerial ability. The selection of firms was taken from MSME office which is situated at Lahartara industrial area. Out of 237 industries a sample of 7 per cent of industries in probability proportions, there were 15 firms have been selected on the basis of turnover of the companies, in which 6 companies are small, 5 are medium and 4 were large. Most important point in the Agro- processing is that a sizable portion of raw material processed in them rural based it has very high employment potential with the significantly lower investment. There were 100 per cent of organizational structure was found in all the firms it means many employees were working in a group and reporting to his supervisors. The planning level was also 100 per cent was top level means mostly all the decision was taken by the higher managerial level. In case of constraints faced by entrepreneurs most of them were facing the problem of local market and improper marketing channel and few of them were facing the problem of higher tax. After analyzing the Educational qualification of the entrepreneurs it has been concluded that there were 54per cent of the entrepreneurs was Graduate, 33per cent was postgraduate and 13per cent were Intermediate. The capital investment in the industries by the Entrepreneurs done through most of the own source of finance about 14 industries were created all the things itself and 1 company have taken the loan from bank. The Technology was adopted by all the firms were mechanized due to less no. of skilled workers and alsoto save the time for the production process. It is concluded that 100per cent of the given firms were using the Machinery for completion their works.
Constraints of Agribusiness