Studies on ovarian functions in anestrous buffaloes treated with buffalo follicular fluid

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The study was conducted on twenty four anestrous buffaloes selected from field and the buffaloes were randomly divided into four groups with six animals in each group. Animals in group I were kept as untreated control while the animals of group II, III and IV were administered 2.5, 5 and 10 ml charcoal treated buffalo follicular fluid (buFF) subcutaneously twice a day at 12 hours interval for three days. All the experimental animals were subjected to real time B-mode trans-rectal ultrasonography from day-5 till day of estrus induction. Blood samples were collected on days -5 till day 7 post buFF treatment and serum samples were stored at -20° till estimation of progesterone concentrations using enzyme immune assay kits. Estrus detection was carried out by the individual farmers by visual observations well as by per rectal examination aided by daily real time B mode transrectal ultrasonography. Administration of buFF in lowest dose (2.5 ml) had no effect on follicular dynamics. Following treatment (5, 10ml) the no. of small, medium and total follicles and diameter of small follicles was almost similar. A significant (P<0.05) increase in number of large follicles was observed on days 4-7 and 2-3 after the end of treatment in group III & IV, respectively, compared to that of control animals. This increase in number of large follicles in group III was also significantly (P<0.05) higher compared to mean value on the day of start of treatment (day -2). Diameter of medium and large follicle was observed to be significantly (P<0.05) higher on day 2-5 and 3-6 respectively in group III compared to that of the respective control values. Similarly diameter of medium and large follicle in group IV was recorded to be significantly (P<0.05) higher on days 2-4 and 3-5 respectively. The diameter of dominant follicle in group III was significantly higher as compared to the mean values of diameter observed in group IV. The concentration of progesterone remained less than 1ng/ml during pre-treatment, treatment and post treatment till estrus induction indicating no luteal activity. Five out of six (83.33%) and four out of six (66.66%) animals were induced to estrus in group III and IV, respectively. The mean interval from the last treatment to the onset of estrus was 5.40±0.24 and 3.50±0.29 days for groups III and IV, respectively. Out of these five and four animals which exhibited estrus, five (100%) and two (50%) animals ovulated in group III and IV, respectively. Based on the results, it may be concluded that 5 ml buFF treatment was effective in augmenting fertility in anestrous buffaloes.
Anestrous, Buffalo, Ultrasonography, Dominant follicle, Progesterone, Follicular Fluid, BuFF