Studies on Weed Management Practices in Young Grevillea robusta Plantation

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University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad
A field experiment to study weed management practices in young Grevillea robusta plantation was carried out at the farmer field near Sahasralinga, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada district by University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad during 2015-16. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design with ten treatments and three replications on the one year old plantation. Twenty-five types of dicot and seven types monocot weeds belonging to sixteen families were found in experimental plot. Among weed control treatments in silver oak plantation, black polythene mulch recorded significantly lower dry weed biomass and higher weed control efficiency at different intervals of observations i.e. two, four and six months after treatment imposition. Almost 99 per cent of reduction in weed biomass and (98.93 %) weed control efficiency observed in black polythene mulch treatment compared to the control. Maximum plant height of silver oak was recorded in black polythene mulch (262 cm) followed by farmer practice (212 cm) and mixed dry leaves mulch (211 cm). These treatments were found significantly superior over other treatments. Black polythene mulch treatment (2.43 cm) recorded higher collar diameter followed by farmer practice (1.81 cm) and fertilizer bag mulch (1.79 cm), these treatments were found significantly superior over other treatments. The plant height increment per cent was higher in black polythene mulch (226.32 %) followed by milky white polythene mulch (183.08 %) and farmer’s practice (162.42 %). The plant collar diameter increment per cent was higher in black polythene mulch (326.30 %) followed by fertilizer bag mulch (189.82 %) and milky white polythene mulch (186.57 %), these treatments were found significantly superior over other treatments. Higher soil moisture content was recorded in black polythene mulch treatment compared to other treatments in the month of October and January. Black polythene mulch treatment was found to be best treatment for healthy growth of silver oak plants.