Cause of yellow discolouration in iced and frozen cuttlefish fillets and its control

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Department of Processing Technology, College of Fisheries, Panangad
The cause of yellow discolouration in ice stored and subsequently frozen cuttlefish fillets of Sepia aculeata was investigated in this study. The fillets were subjected to the following treatments (l) control (2) dip in 2% salt + 0.2% citric acid solution for 10 min. and (3) dip in 0.01% BHA solution for 10 min., prior to ice storage for a duration of six days. The iced fillets were frozen on the zero day, second day and fourth day of iced storage. Both the iced and frozen samples were periodically subjected to various biochemical and sensory evaluations. The NPN and alpha amino nitrogen contents of the salt + citric acid samples, both in the iced and the frozen samples, were found to be higher than those of the other two. This suggests that salt + citric acid are capable of retaining moisture and preventing the leaching of NPN compounds. This is supported by the sensory evaluation results, which gave higher scores~lt + citric acid treatment. The increase A in TVBN and TMA contents were found to be less pronounced in the salt + citric acid treated samples suggesting the microbial and enzyme inhibitory action of the salt and citric acid. The increase in the PV and TBARS were also less in this treatment when compared to the control, showing antioxidant property of citric acid. The BHA treated samples showed the least rise in PV and TBARS both in iced and frozen material, indicating its effectiveness as an antioxidant. . Sensory evaluation of the iced samples showed no discolouration during the period of six days, but the fourth day frozen untreated samples showed yellow discolouration after the eight weeks of storage. Since the salt + citric treatment and BHA treatment are effective in retarding the yellow discolouration, a Maillard or an 149 aldehyde amine type reaction is postulated as the possible cause of yellow discolouration in frozen stored cuttlefish. As the proteolytic activity at the site of appearance of yellow discolouration was high, the amino compounds formed by the enzyme action may be taking part in the aldehyde - amine reaction, the aldehyde being produced by autoxidation of the unsaturated phospholipids of the meat.