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Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University
Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of Indian economy both in terms of gross national product and number of productive workers employed. Dry farming or dry land farming is a practice of growing a profitable crop without irrigation in areas, which receive an annual rainfall of 500 mm or even less. Dry land agriculture plays an important role in the progress of agriculture in the Indian economy. India is basically dependent on rain fed agriculture. About 44 per cent of total food production comes from 67 per cent of total cultivated area, which is rain dependent. India has about 47 million hectares of dry lands out of 108 million hectares of total rain fed area. Dry lands contribute more than 40 per cent food grains (80 per cent maize, 95 per cent of pearl millet and sorghum). About 95 per cent of pulses and 75.5 per cent of oil seeds are also grown in these areas. Thus, dry lands and rain fed farming will continue to play a dominant role in agricultural production. Groundnut and redgram is generally sown after commencing of the normal on set of monsoon. However, the erratic onset of monsoon and commencement of sowing rains, sometimes force the farmers to sow the crop late in the season. Yield of rain-fed crop is affected by the commencement of sowing rains during the recommended period of sowing. It is absolutely crucial for the seeds that moisture should be available in the first few days itself after sowing to achieve 100 per cent germination. Aqua sowing is the simultaneous sowing of seeds and delivery of an equitable quantum of water, just right for the seeds to germinate irrespective of whether it rains or not for the next few days. This is a new technology developed for the benefits of dry land farmers, and specially for sowing of seeds during contingency season of delayed monsoon. Seed rates for the groundnut and redgram dry seed observed were 105.47, 108.46, 118.55 kg ha-1 and 10.27, 11.44, 10.66 respectively. The breakage of dry groundnut and redgram seed was observed 1.8, 5.4 and 6.8 g and 0.6, 1.2 and 1.8 g for vertical, inclined and horizontal plate metering mechanisms respectively. The breakage of dry groundnut and redgram seed was found to be less percentage in case of vertical plate metering mechanism. Hence vertical plate metering mechanism was selected for sowing in the field. The breakage of the groundnut and redgram soaked seed at all the soaked intervals and also for all the three seed metering mechanisms were found to be at higher rate i.e. more than 5%. Hence it was found that the seed drill could not perform effectively for sowing soaked groundnut and redgram seed under laboratory conditions for all the three seed metering mechanisms. Hence soaking of sowing groundnut and redgram seed was not considered for sowing under field conditions. The application rate of water in a test plot of 30 m x 30 m were found to be highest for 120 L/min i.e. 49655.17 and 17266.18 liters at an average speed of 2.7 and 2.5 kmph for groundnut and redgram respectively. The field capacity was found to be 0.145 ha h-1 0.417 ha h-1 for groundnut and redgram with field efficiency of 88.90 and 69.50 per cent at an average speed of 2.72 and 2.50 kmph for aqua planter. The highest average germination of crop sown by aqua planter was observed with 120 L/min discharge rate was 95% and the lowest germination of crop was 75% for both the groundnut and redgram with 60 L/min discharge. The highest plant population per square meter and plant height in cm for groundnut and redgram was found to be 22.8, 11.2 and 21.06, 127.8 with 120 liters discharge rates. The highest 100 seed weight was found with120 L/min discharge rate and the lowest seed weight was found with 60 L/min discharge rate. The highest pod/seed yield obtained for groundnut was found to be 619.38 kg ha-1 and 514.90 kg ha-1 with discharge rate of 120 L/min whereas the lowest pod yield was found to be 334.15 kg ha-1 215.73 kg ha-1 with discharge rate of 60 L/min. The cost of sowing operation of aqua planter with tractor for groundnut and redgram was Rs. 5140 and Rs. 1815 per hectare respectively. Key words: Planter, seed rate, breakage, discharge, germination, field efficiency, yield