Relationship of Family Solidarity and Substance Use among Youth in Punjab

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Substance use is the use of a drug or the other substance for non-medical use, with the aim of producing a kind of mind-altering effect in the user. Recent studies divulged that family solidarity can be related as a factor of deviance among substance users. Family solidarity refers to the extent to which the members of a family give their contribution to each other’s wellbeing (Bengtson 1991). The idea of family solidarity is related to mutual respect, personal support and commitment to a common cause. Present study was undertaken to find out relationship between family solidarity and substance abuse with the specific objectives i) to identify socio-economic profile of the of substance users. ii) to analyze solidarity in the families of substance users.iii) and to measure relationship between family solidarity and socio-economic status of the respondents. The study was conducted in de-addiction centers of four relatively developed districts named Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Bathinda, representing three cultural regions of Punjab; Majha, Doaba and Malwa. From each district two de-addiction centers were taken on the basis of availability. 20 substance abusers from each de-addiction center were interviewed. Sample size was 160 respondents. The major findings of the study were that among the drug abusing youth maximum respondents (44 per cent) were of 21-25 years of age. Heroin and cannabis were found to be abused by majority (87%) of the users. Nearly one fourth of the respondents ordered drugs by phone calls to the drug paddler and got the home delivery immediately. Monthly expenditure on drugs by 40 percent of the respondents was more than Rs.50.000. Various reasons for starting up of drug abuse as cited by the respondents were peer pressure (51%), failure of romantic relationship (48%), unemployment (45%) and easy availability (82%). It was discovered that education, parental occupation, family income and mothers working status were positively related to family solidarity of the drug abusers. Overall only 15 percent of the families of substance abusers were tight-knit as against more than half were obligatory families. Substance abuse and other types of deviance among youth can be checked by addressing the family solidarity issue sincerely. Increase in parental support and monitoring reduces peer deviance which had been proved one of the significant causes of substance abuse. The availability of family centered support groups should be fostered along with other services that address the needs of entire family. Last but not the least Law and order against on the counter drug supply should be strictly maintained.