An economic analysis of drip irrigation system in cotton crop in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh

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ABSTRACT The present study entitled “An economic analysis of drip irrigation system in cotton crop in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh” was undertaken in the year 2014-15 the objectives of the study were. 1. To estimate the cost of drip irrigation system for cotton. 2. To find out the cost of cultivation of cotton on adopter and non adopter farms of drip irrigation system. 3. To calculate different profit measures on cultivation of cotton in adopter and non adopter farms of drip irrigation system. 4. To find out the problems and prospects of cotton production in adopter and non adopter farms of drip irrigation system. A multi-stage random sampling technique was adopted for data collection. The study was conducted in tehsil Barwaha district of Khargone (M.P.) where cotton is an important cash crop. Stratified random sample procedure was adopted for the selection of villages and farmers. Sample of 3 villages of this tehsil was selected randomly. A sample of 90 farmers was selected randomly. The farmers were classified into three groups viz., small (<2.00 ha.), medium (2 to 4 ha.) and large (4 to 10 ha.) farms. The sampled cotton producers for cotton cultivation disposal of their produce opted independent channels as per convenience. Yield, returns and costs and constraints of production were collected from the sample farmer in the year 2014-15. 1. As observed from study that in case of “adopter farmer” the average size of holdings found to 1.36 hectares with small size of holding followed by 3.58 hectare in case of medium and 7.66 hectare in case of large size of holding respectively. The irrigated area was also found to variation in different size of holding and it was 1.17, 1.76 and 3.49 hectare with small, medium and large size of holding respectively. The area under Cotton is important among the existing cropping pattern of farmers under study. On an average a small farmers had 0.77 hectare area under cultivation of Cotton followed by 1.76 hectare under medium and 3.49 hectare under large size of holding respectively. 2. In case of “non adopter farmer” the average size of holdings found to 1.49 hectares with small size of holding followed by 3.71 hectare in case of medium and 6.97 hectare in case of large size of holding respectively. The irrigated area was also found to variation in different size of holding and it was 0.86, 1.67 and 3.04 hectare with small, medium and large size of holding respectively. The area under Cotton is important among the existing cropping pattern of farmers under study. On an average a small farmers had 0.60 hectare area under cultivation of Cotton followed by 1.67 hectare under medium and 3.04 hectare under large size of holding respectively. 3. The total cost of irrigation through drip system accounted Rs.9379 per hectare of Cotton, while Rs.8290 was accounted through traditional system. This is concluded that only Rs.1089 was additional expenditure in drip irrigation system over traditional system on per hectare basis of Cotton production. 4. The maximum yield on “adopter farms” was found to 17.91 quintal per hectare on large size of holding followed by 17.14 quintal per hectare on small size of holding and 15.82 per hectare on medium size of holding respectively. 5. The maximum yield on “non adopter farm” (16.67 quintal per hectare) was found on medium size of holding and it was due to efficient use of inputs by these groups. In fact, the average yield showed lowest in small size of holding i.e. 15.27 quintal per hectare and it was normally lower adoption of improved Cotton production technology particularly the irrigation effect and in efficient of size of land holding. 6. The study portrays that on an average cost of cultivation per hectare of Cotton on “drip irrigation system” was found to Rs.27049 on small farm followed by Rs.27025 on medium farm and Rs.27174 on large farm (Cost C1). The cost C2 was found Rs.30549 on small farm followed by Rs.30705 on medium farm and Rs. 30964 on large farm. At the final stage of cost C3 was found to Rs.33604 on small farm followed by Rs.33776 on medium farm and Rs.33970 on large farm per hectare respectively. 7. On an average cost of cultivation per hectare of Cotton on “non adopter” of drip irrigation system (traditional irrigation system) was found to Rs.29847 on small farm followed by Rs.26591 on medium farm and Rs.25551 on large farm (Cost C1). The cost C2 was found Rs.33247 on small farm followed by Rs.30091 on medium farm and Rs. 29151 on large farm. At the final stage of cost C3 was found to Rs.36572 on small farm followed by Rs.33100 on medium farm and Rs.32066 on large farm per hectare respectively. This data indicated that small farmers in case of non adopter were used higher and injudicious inputs with inefficient practices. 8. Study revealed that the Cotton production in (drip irrigation system” found to more profitable because it provides a net income of Rs.31530 in small farm followed by Rs.29619 in medium farm and Rs.35957 in large farm per hectare respectively and in case of “non adopter farm” the net income was found to Rs.19286 in small farm followed by Rs.24344 in medium farm and Rs.27923 in large farm per hectare respectively. 9. The return from per rupee investment (B.C.Ratio) revealed that on “adopter farm” in case of small size of holding it was 1.94 followed by medium farm 1.88 and large farm 2.06 respectively. On the other hand, the B.C.Ratio on “non adopter farm” was found to 1.53 in small farm size followed by 1.74 medium size and 1.87 on large farm size respectively. 10. The study indicated that in adoption of drip irrigation system on Cotton production Rs.1089 per hectare have to additional cost over irrigation of traditional system. On the other hand, Rs.8518 per hectare was incurred additional net profit in drip irrigation system of Cotton system over non adoption. The compensation of additional cost in additional return, Rs.7429 was accounted overall profitability of drip irrigation system on Cotton production over non adoption or traditional irrigation system. 11. The study depicted that the higher number of the Cotton growers reported “high cost of drip irrigation system” was the main problem followed by “high cost of maintenance”, “lack of training and guidance for implementation”, “lack of own funds” and “lack of technical knowledge” respectively. 12. Cotton growers given idea that there are prospects of Cotton development in area through “Contact with agricultural scientist and specialist” followed by “Create scientific awareness”, “Persuade the half hearted Cotton growers” and “To receive higher comparative price of product” respectively.
biological phenomena, livestock, diseases, planting, oils, hides and skins, animal tissues, infiltration, productivity, garlic, AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS & FARM MANAGEMENT