Development of probiotic beverage based on apple and orange juice

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
Recently,consumer’s awareness towards the relationship between food and health had led to an explosion of interest in healthy foods and beverages. The idea of health promoting foods is not new. Hippocrates wrote 2400 years ago “Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food”. Two LAB cultures were isolated from curd and pickle. The various morphological and biochemical tests performed at Department of Food and Industrial Microbiology, College of Food Technology, Vasantrao Naik MarathwadaKrishiVidyapeeth, Parbhani indicate the cultures as gram positive, rod shaped, non-motile and catalase negative with the ability to ferment sugars. Further, the cultures were sent to Agarkar Research Institute, Pune for identification by 16S rRNA multiplex PCR analysis. The 16S rRNA multiplex PCR analysis of the unknown cultures revealed it to be Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. The physico-chemical properties of apple fruit such as fruit weight, peel per cent, juice content, TSS, pH, percent acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, ascorbic acid content were found to be 148g, 30.12%, 56%, 9.70Bx and 3.6, 0.48%, 10.24%, 9.85%, 0.39% and 10.2 mg/mL respectively. The physico-chemical properties of orange fruit such as fruit weight, peel per cent, juice content, TSS, pH, percent acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, ascorbic acid content were found to be 169g, 27%, 48.3%, 90Bx, 3.9, 0.41%, 8.36%, 1.8%, 6.6% and 47.6mg/mL respectively.The probiotic juice were prepared with 10% inoculum and incubated for 5h at temperature (350C). After incubation, physico-chemical analysis of the samples viz. TSS, pH, acidity and ascorbic acid content were found to be 130Bx, 5.30, 0.51% and 22.21mg/mL. Further, microbial analysis of the final accepted sample showed absence of Coliforms. Yeast and mold was not detected until the second week, while the total plate count was found to be 2.7x108 cfu/mL in the first week which further increased to 4.9x108cfu/mL in the third week and then decreased to 4.7 x108cfu/mL in the fourth week. During storage study at weekly intervals, at the end of storage period, pH decreased from 5.30 - 5.21, while the percent acidity increased from 0.51 percent - 0.72 denoting better utilization of the sugars resulting in higher acid production and lower residual sugar content. Ascorbic acid content gradually declined from 22.15mg/mL at starting days to 15mg/ml in the last week of storage study. It was observed that number probiotic cells increased from initial number of 2.9 x109 cfu/mLduring the first week to 4.5 x109 cfu/mL in the second week. However, cell counts decreased after third and fourth weeks of storage at 40C. Although the viability of the cells decreased, the viable count was 108cfu/mL which is much above the minimum accepted dose i.e. 107cfu/mL. Probiotic blend of apple orange juice is technologically viable and the process is economically feasible to take on a commercial scale as the cost of production for 1 liter is Rs. 171.30/- Moreover, considering the health benefits it offers, the cost can be deemed reasonable. The futurie research approach should be undertaken to increase the shelf of the probiotic apple and orange juice at room temperature. It is also needed to explore the nutritional status of probiotic juice through clinical trials to prove its efficacy as a theraupatic food to obtain its health benefits, as per scientific literature.