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University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore
In order to evaluate the applicability under modern farming systems of the nitrogen fertilizer recommendation method based on plant analysis originally developed by Moller Nielsen (1973), 97 field experiments were performed with winter wheat at various locations in Denmark over the periods 1974-1975 and 1978-1981. The evaluation of the method was made from 1978 and onward. In terms of the optimum N requirement, in 1978-1979 only on 4 of the total 22 fields (18%) and in 1980-1981 on 13 of the total 48 fields (27%) the recommended amount of N based on plant analysis was appropriate. On the remaining fields the recommended amount of N was either in excess (4-95 kg N/ha) or deficit (10-80 kg N/ha) of the optimum amount. In terms of N requirement for maximum yield, only on 2 fields (9%) in 1978-1979 and on 9 fields (19%) in 1980- 1981 recommendations based on plant analysis were appropriate. On the remaining fields the recommended amount of N was either less (15-130 kg N/ha) or more (5-75 kg N/ha) than the requirement for obtaining maximum yields. In 1980-1981 the local agricultural advisors also estimated the N requirement for winter wheat on the basis of their knowledge about the farm. In terms of the optimum N requirement only on 5 of the total 48 fields (10%) and in terms of N requirement for maximum yield only on 3 fields (6%) the recommendations by the local advisors were appropriate. On the remaining fields the recommended amount was either in excess (10-115 kg N/ha) or deficit (10-90 kg N/ha) of the actual requirements. An economic analysis of the recommendation methods was made considering upto 120 Dkr/ha less than the gross return at optimum yield less the cost of nitrogen as the acceptable limit and the prices of grain = 1200 Dkr/t and fertilizer N = 4 Dkr/kg N, The results showed that in nearly 60% of the field trials the gross return, following the recommendations either based on plant analysis or by the local advisors, were within the acceptable limit. Since the present method based on plant analysis involves, on the part of the farmer, additional effort in plant sampling and extra cost on the chemical analysis of plants, and given the same preciseness of estimation as that of the recommendations by the local advisors in terms of gross return within the acceptable limit it was concluded that the present method based on plant analysis was nonremunerative and unsuitable under the modern farming systems in Denmark. Miller Nielsen, J. 1973. Kornplanters erneeringstilstand vurderet og reguleret udfra planternes kemiske sammensaetning. DSR-Forlag, Den Kgl. Veterinser- og Landbohojskole, Kobenhavn V. 247 p.
No . of references 165