Effect Of Nitrogen On Wheat Genotypes In Jharkhand

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
A field experiment was conducted at Birsa Agricultural University farm, Ranchi during Rabi season of 2001-02, on sandy loam soil (silt 20 % and clay 19.61 %), acidic in reaction (pH 6.6), low in available nitrogen (182 kg N/ha) medium in phosphorus (24 kg P₂Os/ha) and potassium (198 K,O kg/ha), to study the effect of different levels of nitrogen on growth, development, yield, nitrogen utilization and profitability of wheat genotypes. The experiment was laid out in split plot design consisting of 3 nitrogen levels viz. 120, 150 and 180 kg/ha in main plot and 6 genotypes (NW 2026, WH 736, HD 2790, HUW 468, PBW 343 and HD 2733) in sub plots and replicated thrice. The results revealed that crop with 150 kg N/ha produced higher grain yield (49.37 q/ha), grain production rate (138.93 kg/ha/day), physical productivity (40.76) grain/ha/day), straw yield (77.12 q/ha) and biomass production rate (104.54 ha/day), dry matter accumulation, crop growth rate, spike dry matter kg/ accumulation, spike growth rate, productive tillers (387.06/m²), spike length(8.96 cm), fertile spikelet (17.79), grains/ spike (48.01), net return (Rs. 26,918/ha), benefit cost ratio (2.25) and monetary productivity (222 Rs/ha/day) than the crop with 120 kg N/ha. Crop with 150 kg N/ha also absorbed more nitrogen (104.23 kg/ha) than the crop with 120 kg N/ha (85.12 kg/ha). Further increase in nitrogen beyond 150 kg N/ha was not at all beneficial. Wheat genotype NW 2026 produced maximum grain yield (51.43 q/ha), grain production rate (141.84 kg/ha/day), physical productivity (37.02 kg grain/ha/day) nitrogen utilization efficiency (34.28 kg grain/ kg N applied) and biomass production rate (100.31 kg/ha/day) because of higher dry matter accumulation, leaf area index and productive tillers (424.47/m²) than the remaining genotypes tested. "NW 2026' wheat also had maximum net return (27,293 Rs/ha) benefit cost ratio (Rs 2.28 per rupee investment) and monetary productivity (226 Rs/ha/day) compared to rest of genotypes tested. Further PBW 343 was the second best genotype having grain yield of 48.97 q/ha, net return of 25,645 Rs/ha and benefit cost ratio of Rs 2.14..